Thursday, September 12, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Fat Cats rip Page from Democratic Playbook

Because of trump’s ultra-disastrous debate performance, Fat Cat republicans such as Miriam Adelson, Timothy Mellon, Charles Koch and others are plotting to ease trump from the Presidential race.

They, and other Republican Big Wigs, learning from the recent Democratic change in candidates, know they need other players to win the presidency and save trumpian values; trump is too old, too tired, presents nothing new and doesn’t laugh.

Instead they ‘re considering Elon Musk and Linda McMahon, two top trump donors, to lead the 2025 Project team to victory.

They’re currently looking for ‘their George Clooney’ to break the news to trump and have secured a multi-billion dollar fund to sweeten to deal for trump. Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are on the ‘Clooney’ list…but they’re both holding out for a spot on the ticket.

Fox, Breitbart, One America and all other nut-job media are on board.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Cat omania strikes trump/Vance camp.

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Yesterday, Catholic JD Vance cataloged Cataclysmic events in Springfield telling rally goers categorically that residents’ Cats and dogs were kidnapped and eaten – served with catsup and caterpillars by Hattian immigrants.

In the debate last night trump amplified that falsehood by claiming that he would serve a catered dinner of cats accompanied with catfish on a bed of fried cattails based on an ancient Catalan recipe.

Harris responded by calling trump catatonic - suggesting that these falsehoods were like catnip to a caterwauling  trump and suggested that he go chill in a catacomb on Catalina Island…and beware of the lurking Catamounts!

This debate brought to you by ABCathartic- a Catalyst for Newz

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


A WikiTorial

August 5, 2024  noon  

                                                  America the Great!

I was sitting at the computer writing something about Italian cafes when Cindy told me that four kids were killed in Georgia. I simply asked where…”at school” she answered. And I continued writing about a cafe in Rome.

I sat and wrote a minute longer and then realized that I didn’t stop immediately and watch TV as I used to 5-10- years ago when I heard such horrific news: and tried to comprehend how something  like that could have happened and who, for heaven’s sake could kill four young kids.

I didn’t even ask who did it; I assumed, without really thinking about it that it was a rather young white guy who was very troubled and angry and he probably shot himself.

I chose to turn off the TV and write this so that I could express myself at this moment without knowing anything except that four precious lives were lost and many families and friends would suffer for years knowing that a family member or a friend has been lost to them forever.

I don’t have any illusions that anything will change except for those who knew the four kids. No laws will be passed. Politicians will do what they always do while cashing the gun lobby checks and ill-informed people will say that it’s not the gun, but the criminal who is to blame.

The press will cover the story for 24 hours and then return to the horse race, poll- watching election story and outwardly pious people will put on their suffering countenances at a religious ceremony or two then return to shouting time-honored slogans about freedom and some arcane interpretation of the Constitution. Heaps of praise will go out to first responders and hospital staff. Candlelight vigils will be held, lawsuits begun and pious statements will be read by the press staff of those who will not support some sensible gun control.

I will say a silent prayer to all of those suffering and vote accordingly.

Then, we will all return to our unscathed lives and our safe families and friends.

America the Great!

I'm exhausted in writing about this disease.


Sadly, it is the NEWZ today in America and Perhaps Forever