Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Cat omania strikes trump/Vance camp.

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Yesterday, Catholic JD Vance cataloged Cataclysmic events in Springfield telling rally goers categorically that residents’ Cats and dogs were kidnapped and eaten – served with catsup and caterpillars by Hattian immigrants.

In the debate last night trump amplified that falsehood by claiming that he would serve a catered dinner of cats accompanied with catfish on a bed of fried cattails based on an ancient Catalan recipe.

Harris responded by calling trump catatonic - suggesting that these falsehoods were like catnip to a caterwauling  trump and suggested that he go chill in a catacomb on Catalina Island…and beware of the lurking Catamounts!

This debate brought to you by ABCathartic- a Catalyst for Newz

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


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