Friday, June 7, 2024


Chapter Twelve: THE trump CRIMINAL FAMILY  staring  Peter Kent Navarro

Winner of the wikiamericanewz ‘Doofus of the Year Award’ 

Dateline: wikiamericanewz

In His Own Words…

This week, Breitbart interviewed the former Trump economic advisor, Peter Navarro; Navarro is one of many criminals in the ex-president’s orbit. He was interviewed in the Miami prison where he is serving four months for contempt of Congress.

While life behind bars is difficult, Navarro boasted that “his stint has been smoothed by his ties to Donald Trump, which make him something of a “made man”.

The former president”, said Navarro, ”is  beloved not just by the guards, but by the “vast majority” of inmates as well.  If I were a ‘Bidenite’, things would be a lot tougher here — and yes, they know exactly who I am and respect the fact that I stood up for a principle and didn’t bow to the government,” Navarro said.

Biography: Peter Kent Navarro

Tufts   BA    Harvard University  MPA  PhD

Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing    trump Administration

Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy  UC, Irvine

Criminal Status:  In prison

Wikiamericanewz asks Americans…what friend of a former president who is campaigning for another term as President thinks that saying that trump is beloved by prison guards and criminals alike? Is that statement spoken to instill confidence and trust in a candidate for President of the US?

Or, does Navarro recognize the mindset of trump supporters and expects that this portrayal will spur trump to a victory?

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