Saturday, June 8, 2024

 What Do trump and Plato Have in Common?

wikiamericanewz  paraphrases  Plato…

In 375 BC, in his Fourth volume of the Republic, Plato wrote a powerful allegory to argue for the importance and value of choosing leaders with judgement and expertise for political office in a society.

In his Ship of Fools Plato outlines the danger of political ideologies and how they can divide people. In Plato’s allegory, the ship is equal to the governing system and on the ship is the captain representing the people.

Captain trump's suggestion to Sammy boy

Wikiamericanewz suggests that in his allegory, the commander – trump, is totally unfit to captain the USS United States and will bring along his entirely unfit crew of toadies, criminals and sycophants in an effort to consolidate power and destroy democracy in America and the world.

To accomplish this, Captain Don will enlist the help of fat cat oligarchs and pirates such as Fox and Breitbart News, NewsMax and The National Inquirer, Putin, Orban, MBS and other such authoritarian leaders as well as right-wing, inattentive and greedy social media platforms.

His brigands all across the country will work to deny the vote, terrorize election officials and use pirate officials to alter, change and protest ballots and outcomes. His pirate ship
, the Ship of Fools, will continually use its canons to lob lies and distortions onto the American political landscape in an effort to alter it forever.

It’s entirely up to the citizens of the US to determine the course of America and decide whether or not Captain Don Walks the Plank

Wikiamericanewz is NOT the NEWZ But is true Satire

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