Monday, September 28, 2020


trump Reveals His Post November 3rd Game Plan

*WikiLeekZ Throws recent satirical ideas into the trash bin. “Mea Culpa. I Did Not Speak Out”

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game.

Last week, WikiLeekZ was going to write about trump’s military “losers and suckers’ comments but then trump said that story was fake news - so WikiLeekZ didn’t satirize the story.

Then, WikiLeekZ decided to write about Woodward‘s book in which trump told Woodward he loves ‘playing down the danger’ of Covid 19. Not true” said Trump...I just didn’t want to cause panic’. A logical and humane answer so WikiLeekZ chose not to ridicule here either.

WikiLeekZ was going to document and mock the Super Spreader, closely packed mass rallies trump holds. But trump told the press that he ‘keeps his social distance’ at the rallies. So what’s the problem? No story there. Nothing written

Then WikiLeekZ was going to write that trump was lying about the high numbers of Covid 19 cases in the US but then trump said that America isturning the corner’ so, I guess, we’re all safe. WikiLeekZ didn’t write about number of deaths in the US.

How about a story about Republican Senators acquiescing to all of trump’s base actions? No, WikiLeekZ saw nothing new to deride. Same old, same old.

Yesterday, WikiLeekZ was all ready to write about the NYT article about trump’s tax returns. But at a news conference yesterday, trump replied to a question by saying that the NYT article is fake news and that he paid taxes. Case closed…nothing to lampoon there.

WikiLeekZ had the idea to write that none of trumps lies and deeds has seemed to move the conscience of his supporters. So why bother? Is WikiLeekZ going to change any opinions?

“Well, we’re going to see what happens”. trump answered when asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the Nov 3 election. Really? WTF? Trump said that!

“There won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation”. – trump.  There you go, trump is telling us in plain English what he’s going to do after Nov 3rd. Listen Up!

America, Generals, Admirals, Colonels, Mitch, Lindsay, Police Chiefs, Governors, Judges, Mayors, Justices, et al, “If you’re listening”!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday Soon!

*First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out”... – Pastor Martin Niemöller -writing about the Nazis.

 trump Promotes New Shiny Object. My Taxes? Nothing There To See

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump said Sunday he will demand that his Democratic challenger in the November 3 national election, former Vice President Joe Biden, take a drug test before or after their debate this Tuesday night, 

WikiLeekZ is the first to break the news that Biden accepts drug testing for both candidates.

In a surprise move, Joe Biden agreed to be drug tested along with trump before Tuesday’s debate. Biden demanded testing for the drug caffeine to be included. Simultaneously, Biden released 2 scientific studies outlining the danger of drinking diet sodas leading to dementia. The studies were introduced with this statement from CNN & NYT:

*(CNN) - President Donald Trump downs a dozen Diet Cokes each dayThe New York Times reported. - March 2018

1          **Boston University School of Medicine research found that: One-a-day diet soda drinkers were nearly three times as likely as those who never drink diet soda to be diagnosed with dementia, as well, the researchers found.

2          ***Artificially sweetened drinks, such as diet sodas, were tied to a higher risk of stroke and dementia in the study, which published in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke on Thursday.

*, **, ***  all true, not satire




Friday, September 11, 2020


I Lied, Thousands Died. What, Me Worry?

“I wanted to play it down”, trump told Bob Woodward in a recorded telephone conversation last February.

“I still like playing it down because I don’t want to cause panic.”

Almost 200,000 Americans have been killed by the Corona Virus and many others have fallen grievously ill, perhaps for a very long time.

To WikiLeekZ, that’s completely unacceptable and should be to any American with a scintilla of humanity and love for his fellow citizens.

200,000 and still counting with no end in sight as long as trump is president. That’s 75 times the number of deaths on 9/11 and before it’s over it will be well over 100 times those murdered in NYC, WDC and PA on September 11, 2001.

Just imagine, if you will, if George W. Bush, on receiving incontrovertible intelligence that a murderous act would take place in NYC that was going to blow up the World Trade Center, decided to play down that threat.

What would trump’s inaction be called? Dereliction of Duty, a Traitorous Act, a Mass Murder?

Now, multiply George Bush’s imaginary inaction and put trump in his place with Covid 19 foreknowledge and multiply the human death toll by 70 -100 times.

Q-What would that be called?

A-Mass Murder on an unprecedented scale in America?

A-Unimaginable Incompetence?


A-The reality of decision-making by a man without a shred of humanity, without a heart, a man whose narcissism  and avarice is without parallel in the annals of our country.

What about those official enablers in his administration and the Senators and Representatives in Washington DC who, for almost 4 years, have acquiesced to his every whim regardless of how heartless, stupid and venal?

Tomorrow, we commemorate the anniversary of the September 11th murder of 3000 Americans. Twenty years from now, what will we write? What will feel and say about the year 2020 and those who don’t even acknowledge their complicity in the needless deaths of tens of thousands of American citizens?

And what will we think of the millions of Americans who have voted, enabled and supported an individual who, for all intents and purposes, is largely responsible for the deaths and suffering of so many citizens and families throughout out country.

Tomorrow is a sad, national day of mourning.

How will we remember and mourn those killed in 2020 so needlessly in the future?

When our grand children ask us what ‘What did you do to fight for those lives lost’, what will you tell them?

What will we tell ourselves? What can we tell ourselves?










Saturday, September 5, 2020


trump Demands that His Generals  Refute Claims of Servicemen  as ”Losers and Suckers”

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has learned that Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney has had an impossible task of rounding up any generals to back trump’s assertions that he loves them and their men and women. Mulvaney couldn’t even get Flynn to acquiesce.

trump flew into a rage when informed  that none of his so-called generals came to his defense. But in a flash of self-described brilliance, trump ordered his staff to round up Generals…Motors, Anesthesia, Mills, Store, Tires, Hospital, Assembly, Dynamics and General Electric to call the Atlantic article a Huge Hoax.

trump also gleefully demanded that Privates… Eye, School, Bank, Club, Detective, Party, Property and Private Equity all testify in his behalf that the Atlantic article is a Lie.

trump, in his Hubris, is confident that these fine generals and privates will absolve him of this terrible Hoax perpetrated by the Fake, Lamestream News Media.

The Nation gave a collective sigh!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


Tuesday, September 1, 2020

 WikiLeekZ Helps trump…Solves Mystery of Frequent Flyer “Thugs, Looters, Anarchists, & Rioters.”-trump

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

On Fox news Monday night, trump said

“We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend. And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that,” -trump

And, there’s more…

Tuesday before boarding a flight to Kenosha, trump told reporters…

 “a person” (whose identity he did not disclose) recently got on a flight ― in this telling of the story, “to wherever,” “not the RNC ― and that flight soon filled up with “the looters, anarchists, and rioters.”-trump

‘Mr President’, WikiLeekZ responded, ‘we have discovered exactly who those thugs were. They were the same contingent that went to Portland and caused mayhem and instigated violence by ignoring the Constitution and by beating and kidnapping peaceful protestors. And, Mr. President, that ‘SOMEBODY’ on that plane leading your pack of mad dogs was none other than your beloved sycophant, Billie Barr’.

WikiLeekZ continued…’But Mr President, you got one detail dead wrong, those thugs were wearing Brown Shirts’.

To which trump responded…

‘You’ve done a helluva job, Billie’

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday