Monday, September 28, 2020


trump Reveals His Post November 3rd Game Plan

*WikiLeekZ Throws recent satirical ideas into the trash bin. “Mea Culpa. I Did Not Speak Out”

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game.

Last week, WikiLeekZ was going to write about trump’s military “losers and suckers’ comments but then trump said that story was fake news - so WikiLeekZ didn’t satirize the story.

Then, WikiLeekZ decided to write about Woodward‘s book in which trump told Woodward he loves ‘playing down the danger’ of Covid 19. Not true” said Trump...I just didn’t want to cause panic’. A logical and humane answer so WikiLeekZ chose not to ridicule here either.

WikiLeekZ was going to document and mock the Super Spreader, closely packed mass rallies trump holds. But trump told the press that he ‘keeps his social distance’ at the rallies. So what’s the problem? No story there. Nothing written

Then WikiLeekZ was going to write that trump was lying about the high numbers of Covid 19 cases in the US but then trump said that America isturning the corner’ so, I guess, we’re all safe. WikiLeekZ didn’t write about number of deaths in the US.

How about a story about Republican Senators acquiescing to all of trump’s base actions? No, WikiLeekZ saw nothing new to deride. Same old, same old.

Yesterday, WikiLeekZ was all ready to write about the NYT article about trump’s tax returns. But at a news conference yesterday, trump replied to a question by saying that the NYT article is fake news and that he paid taxes. Case closed…nothing to lampoon there.

WikiLeekZ had the idea to write that none of trumps lies and deeds has seemed to move the conscience of his supporters. So why bother? Is WikiLeekZ going to change any opinions?

“Well, we’re going to see what happens”. trump answered when asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the Nov 3 election. Really? WTF? Trump said that!

“There won’t be a transfer, frankly. There’ll be a continuation”. – trump.  There you go, trump is telling us in plain English what he’s going to do after Nov 3rd. Listen Up!

America, Generals, Admirals, Colonels, Mitch, Lindsay, Police Chiefs, Governors, Judges, Mayors, Justices, et al, “If you’re listening”!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday Soon!

*First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out”... – Pastor Martin Niemöller -writing about the Nazis.

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