Monday, September 28, 2020

 trump Promotes New Shiny Object. My Taxes? Nothing There To See

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WASHINGTON - U.S. President Donald Trump said Sunday he will demand that his Democratic challenger in the November 3 national election, former Vice President Joe Biden, take a drug test before or after their debate this Tuesday night, 

WikiLeekZ is the first to break the news that Biden accepts drug testing for both candidates.

In a surprise move, Joe Biden agreed to be drug tested along with trump before Tuesday’s debate. Biden demanded testing for the drug caffeine to be included. Simultaneously, Biden released 2 scientific studies outlining the danger of drinking diet sodas leading to dementia. The studies were introduced with this statement from CNN & NYT:

*(CNN) - President Donald Trump downs a dozen Diet Cokes each dayThe New York Times reported. - March 2018

1          **Boston University School of Medicine research found that: One-a-day diet soda drinkers were nearly three times as likely as those who never drink diet soda to be diagnosed with dementia, as well, the researchers found.

2          ***Artificially sweetened drinks, such as diet sodas, were tied to a higher risk of stroke and dementia in the study, which published in the American Heart Association's journal Stroke on Thursday.

*, **, ***  all true, not satire




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