Thursday, August 29, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

“Stand Back and Stand By, America”

Today, trump reposted the following:

“She spent her whole damn life down on her knees”,                                                                                 An oblique reference and photo of Brown - to Harris’s former relationship with Willie Brown

“Funny how blowjobs impacted both of their careers”                                                                                 re-posted with photo of Hilliary Clinton and Kamala Harris

Called for Barack Obama to face a military tribunal                                                                                   re-posted from QAnon

Republicans sense a turnaround in trump’s  polling decline and cheer trump’s clever use of the English language.

Republicans all across the USA rejoiced today as ‘trump being trump’ re-posted three social media posts that made approximately 40% of Americans deliriously happy-you might say - even ecstatically happy today.

When trump was asked by reporters later today to respond to the media outcry regarding the re-posts he angrily exclaimed “Yes, I was happy to re-post those beautiful words but I’m very pissed off that somebody stole the exact words I was going to post later today. Those are my offensive words”.

I’m going to sue that SOB. Nobody steals trump’s vulgar, uncouth, rude, hurtful, loutish words and gets away with it!  I’m the king of boorish behavior and that kingship will make me president. And when I’m president, I’ll show the country and the world how much of a selfish, self-centered, egotistical, offensive pretty boy I really am”!

“ Just wait” bellowed trump;  “Stand Back and Stand By, America”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Wikiamericanewz is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

To placate Melania, trump to award her the Presidential Medal of Freedom in *advance.

Yesterday, at his Bedminster Golf Club, he reminded the audience that he had presented, Miriam Adelson, who was in attendance, the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2018.

Incidentally, **Mrs Adelson has pledged to do whatever it takes to help trump win with $100 million PAC!

“That’s the highest award you can get as a civilian. It’s the equivalent of the congressional Medal of Honor, but a civilian version,” Trump told attendees.

“It’s actually much better, because everyone who gets the congressional Medal of Honor, that’s soldiers, they’re either in very bad shape because they’ve been hit so many times by bullets, or they’re dead. She gets it, and she’s a healthy, beautiful woman,” Trump said with a chuckle, eliciting applause from the crowd. “And they’re rated equal.”

‘And speaking of beauty’ he continued, ‘today I award ***Melania the Presidential Medal of Freedom in advance as the most intelligent and most beautiful woman in America’.

*In case trump loses

**CNBC August 16, 2024  3:58pm

*** Melania has threatened to sue trump for $100 Million and leave before the election- WikiLeekZ

Wikiamericanewz is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


Saturday, August 17, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Project 2025 and trump Plan to return All Immigrants and their Offspring to Their Countries of Origin


Trump speaks at his clubs and on the stumps:  

repeating ad Nauseum that Immigrants are Bad for the USA-

From the time trump rode down the escalator with Melania in NYC until yesterday, without Melania, trump has almost daily excoriated immigrants who have crossed our borders.

“They’re animals" and "not human"-djt

By the way-      Melania is an immigrant

 “They Bring infectious diseases with them”-djt

“They’re Criminals, rapists, child molesters, thieves & drug dealers”-djt

Remember -         Trump’s  grandfather was an immigrant

They take jobs from Blacks and Latinos” -djt

Don’t forget that -           trump’s  mother was an immigrant

‘ And, states, the  donald,  ‘some people’, in fact, ‘many people’ say that immigrant restaurant workers, farm workers and construction workers are shiftless, lazy and take siestas’

‘And that’s not all. Everyone knows the real crimes, perpetrated by immigrants--- -which are escalating are Parking scofflaws, jay walkers, turnstile jumpers, door step newspaper thieves’

Also -       jd Vance’s wife’s parents are both immigrants


trump faces a dilemma ….Except for Native Americans, our entire country is full of immigrants and their progeny                   Someone needs to whisper into trump’s good ear


WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 Wikiamericanewz is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

 Trump to make MINOR tweaks to his campaign

 wikiamericanewz has learned that Donald trump plans to make minor tweaks to his campaign after watching the fantastic Harris/Walz rally in Philly.

From trump campaign headquarters in Mar-a-Lago:

Trump fires JD Vance and orders immediate search for new VP running mate

trump enrolls in Comedy School and signs up for charm and empathy classes at trump University

trump orders staff member to buy 2 large, trained Orange Tabby cats to appear on the podium with him at rallies

Files suit with Supreme Court for an election campaign Mulligan and to declare Tim Walz ineligible as VP candidate

Sends out press release stating that he coached winning Super Bowl team in 1957

Offers Harris/Walz speech writers substantial lifetime contracts

Assigns Ivanka and Eric to new campaign sign duties beginning with                                 ‘What me? Weird?’, ‘Mind Your Own Damn Business!’ and                                                                ‘I’m Not Creepy, I just Act That Way’

wikiamericanewz is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday