Wednesday, August 7, 2024

 Wikiamericanewz is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

 Trump to make MINOR tweaks to his campaign

 wikiamericanewz has learned that Donald trump plans to make minor tweaks to his campaign after watching the fantastic Harris/Walz rally in Philly.

From trump campaign headquarters in Mar-a-Lago:

Trump fires JD Vance and orders immediate search for new VP running mate

trump enrolls in Comedy School and signs up for charm and empathy classes at trump University

trump orders staff member to buy 2 large, trained Orange Tabby cats to appear on the podium with him at rallies

Files suit with Supreme Court for an election campaign Mulligan and to declare Tim Walz ineligible as VP candidate

Sends out press release stating that he coached winning Super Bowl team in 1957

Offers Harris/Walz speech writers substantial lifetime contracts

Assigns Ivanka and Eric to new campaign sign duties beginning with                                 ‘What me? Weird?’, ‘Mind Your Own Damn Business!’ and                                                                ‘I’m Not Creepy, I just Act That Way’

wikiamericanewz is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday









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