Saturday, August 17, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Project 2025 and trump Plan to return All Immigrants and their Offspring to Their Countries of Origin


Trump speaks at his clubs and on the stumps:  

repeating ad Nauseum that Immigrants are Bad for the USA-

From the time trump rode down the escalator with Melania in NYC until yesterday, without Melania, trump has almost daily excoriated immigrants who have crossed our borders.

“They’re animals" and "not human"-djt

By the way-      Melania is an immigrant

 “They Bring infectious diseases with them”-djt

“They’re Criminals, rapists, child molesters, thieves & drug dealers”-djt

Remember -         Trump’s  grandfather was an immigrant

They take jobs from Blacks and Latinos” -djt

Don’t forget that -           trump’s  mother was an immigrant

‘ And, states, the  donald,  ‘some people’, in fact, ‘many people’ say that immigrant restaurant workers, farm workers and construction workers are shiftless, lazy and take siestas’

‘And that’s not all. Everyone knows the real crimes, perpetrated by immigrants--- -which are escalating are Parking scofflaws, jay walkers, turnstile jumpers, door step newspaper thieves’

Also -       jd Vance’s wife’s parents are both immigrants


trump faces a dilemma ….Except for Native Americans, our entire country is full of immigrants and their progeny                   Someone needs to whisper into trump’s good ear


WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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