Thursday, August 29, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

“Stand Back and Stand By, America”

Today, trump reposted the following:

“She spent her whole damn life down on her knees”,                                                                                 An oblique reference and photo of Brown - to Harris’s former relationship with Willie Brown

“Funny how blowjobs impacted both of their careers”                                                                                 re-posted with photo of Hilliary Clinton and Kamala Harris

Called for Barack Obama to face a military tribunal                                                                                   re-posted from QAnon

Republicans sense a turnaround in trump’s  polling decline and cheer trump’s clever use of the English language.

Republicans all across the USA rejoiced today as ‘trump being trump’ re-posted three social media posts that made approximately 40% of Americans deliriously happy-you might say - even ecstatically happy today.

When trump was asked by reporters later today to respond to the media outcry regarding the re-posts he angrily exclaimed “Yes, I was happy to re-post those beautiful words but I’m very pissed off that somebody stole the exact words I was going to post later today. Those are my offensive words”.

I’m going to sue that SOB. Nobody steals trump’s vulgar, uncouth, rude, hurtful, loutish words and gets away with it!  I’m the king of boorish behavior and that kingship will make me president. And when I’m president, I’ll show the country and the world how much of a selfish, self-centered, egotistical, offensive pretty boy I really am”!

“ Just wait” bellowed trump;  “Stand Back and Stand By, America”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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