Monday, July 22, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Trump meets with Manafort, Navarro Bannon and Weisselberg at RNC

WikiLeekZ has just discovered that trump had a secret closed-door meeting at the Republican National Convention with former aids Paul Manafort and Peter Navarro to discuss what he might expect if he goes to prison. Allan Weisselberg and Steve Bannon, who are currently serving prison terms, could not attend in person, but joined in via Zoom.

trump had very specific, vital questions which he posed to the four jailbirds:

Do prisons have mirrors, combs and ‘Helmet spray’?     Will I be able to get my 6+ Diet Cokes per day?     Will there be a golden toilet for me to use?      How many days a week can I play golf at one of my golf clubs?       Are Big Macs, fries and shakes on the prison menu? Is Fox News on 24/7 in my cell?

What trump heard sent him into a deep funk and he asked- “well, how do these suckers and losers make it through their prison sentences”?

There was silence because no one had the heart to tell trump about the ‘being on your knees and the bending over’ solution.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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