Thursday, May 23, 2024


A WikiTorial... Open letter to Sam Alito… Fly it Again, Sam


This is not your flag, Sam, it’s my flag which I flew on my porch last July 4 because I wanted to express my feeling that my country, America…or more properly, the United States, is in distress from all of the trumpian ‘stop the steel’ and other such movements.


Hey Sammy boy, the flag flown upside down is a symbol that was first unfurled on US ships years ago indicating that the ship was in distress.

Frankly Sam, you and other right wing nuts have co-opted the upside down flag as a symbol of  your own authoritarian beliefs. And, believe it or not, one of our Supreme Court Justices is one of those fanatics!


It’s similar to when, in the sixties, very conservative Americans more or less took over Old Glory as their own and used it as an ultra-conservative rallying symbol. They attached it to pickup trucks, put flag stickers on bumpers and repeated ad nauseam ‘love it or leave it’. In other words, one must agree with all US policies.


For more than 20 years I’ve been photographing and documenting US flags all over the country. I’ve discovered that in New England, one of the most liberal areas of America, I saw more American flags than in any other area of the country.

As a liberal, woke American, I think it’s time for we like-minded Americans to reclaim Old Glory as ours just as much as it is the trumpians who seem to be ready to turn our country into an authoritarian state.


Sam, there are many creative ways to fly the American flag which do not connote an authoritarian America.

Hey Sam, if you wish to express your true sentiments about the country –where, by the way, you serve on its Supreme Court, a Swastika flag would be much more appropriate to your ideology

 Or, Sam, you could have your wife wear an upside down American flag shirt.

 So Sam, what’ll be?  Vermont 







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