Saturday, May 18, 2024


“Can we all get along”?

A WikiTorial     

An Eye for an Eye or Genocide?

December 7 and September 11 are dates that will forever live in our memories and in history books in the United States. It’s been seven months since Hamas cruelly slaughtered/murdered well over a thousand Israeli and other citizens, wounded many more and took more than 200 hostages on October 7th. That date will be remembered in the history of Israel and the world far longer than any of us will be living. Perhaps a thousand years.

A few days later, Israel conducted a siege of Gaza, then began bombing the territory and has continued through this day. According to many credible authorities, Israel has killed more than 34,000 people in Gaza, wounded 8,000+ and 7,000 are missing while well over 50% of infrastructure has been destroyed in Gaza. Sadly, there is no end in sight. As one of my friends has stated, “it’s possible to mourn both the Israeli and Gaza’s citizens”.

 WikiLeekZ asks when, if at all, will this unconscionable, indiscriminate killing and mayhem end and how? In The Code of Hammurabi ( 1755-1750 BC) and later in the Old Testament -Book of Exodus 21: 23-27. ‘An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’ has been a well-known and frequently used phrase in response to a wrong done to an individual or state. It’s also termed Lex Talionis - (Mirror punishment or Reciprocal Justice).

WikiLeekZ does not profess to have an answer…just as history has yet to solve the intractable, destructive problem. But WikiLeekZ does seek to call for an end to this senseless murdering of innocent people just as WikiLeekZ condemns the Hamas murders of October7 th and its continuing combat. Has anyone considered a cease fire under mutually agreed reasonable, fair terms?

Remember Rodney King when he so plaintively said “ I just want to say -Can we all  get along”?

For weeks, Israel has told the world of its plans to invade Rafah, the area to which more than a million mostly innocent Gazans have fled because Israel told them it would be a safe haven from Israeli bombs, missiles and drone attacks.

 A million new people confined to a small area without adequate food, water, shelter or medical resources is enough of a recipe for a human disaster of epic proportions alone. And now, Israel states that it will soon invade Rafah in order to kill every last Hamas member.

WikiLeekZ sincerely asks how many more innocent men women and children will be killed, wounded and have their lives changed forever? What Israel is doing now is nothing less than committing genocide and incubating tens of thousands of young Palestinians who will never forget what has and is happening to their sisters, brothers, grandmothers, friends and other family members. They too, will never forget and will continue to rain terror upon Israeli’s for generations to come; long after I, Netanyahu and others have passed from this vale of tears.

Should the Israeli government stop at killing another 1,000 children or 5,000 women or 20,000 Gazan citizens or more?  What’s the number and the end game? And let’s remember the wounded just as we remember the 1200 + Israelis killed and wounded on October 7th.

Will Hamas continue its murdering of Israelis? Are there innocent people on both sides?

This WikiTorial IS the NEWZ of the DAY…NOT Someday

Zeny-   “I just want to say-can we all get along”?


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