Thursday, May 16, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game


trump Hush Money Trial - aka Grifter Central


For the past 16 days we’ve witnessed from afar (at least most of us have) the trump Hush Money Trial...aka ‘Grifter Central’.


No matter for whom you’re rooting, it’s undeniable that principle actors-trump, Stormy, Pecker/ AMI and Cohen are trying to profit from the sleazy trump economic eco system.


If you’ve got a t-shirt of a glaring, defiant trump (and he does), a Stormy Candle Mood Box (and she does), a headline grabbing ‘Joe Biden White House in Revolt’ (and AMI does) or a Cheetos-sprinkled trump behind bars (and he does) you’re in the game.

Yikes! Does that include WikiLeekZ too?


Satirical WikiLeekZ has discovered that money has made strange bedfellows in the midst of the Hush Money Trial. It turns out that trump, Cohen, Stormy and AMI have agreed to a sort of *Molotov-Rippentrop Pact.


In an amazing, almost unbelievable turn of events, WikiLeekZ has it on slightly dodgy authority that since trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, has accused Stormy and Cohen of profiting from the trial and trump is continuing his grift, all three decided ‘why not’? and inked a Cohen-Stormy-trump pact and have picked AMI to do the PR.


Profits will be shared equally from the auction proceeds. The auction will be held on the America First TV channel and will feature ‘Rudy the G’ as auctioneer.


First to go under the gavel are signed swatches of trump’s stained Lake Tahoe blue underwear …bidding to start at $9,999. If you want both Stormy and trump to sign the material for authenticity, it’ll cost you $10 Grand more.


Second, for the lucky bidder will be a formal dinner at Mar a Lago with Stormy, trump and Cohen. Featured on the menu will be Big Mac’s, milk shakes…Vanilla or chocolate, French Fries, a Diet Coke and one scoop of ice cream…only trump gets


two scoops. The bidding will begin at $130K. If Karen McDougal is added to the table, add $40K. The trio is working on Melania; it looks as if she’s holding out for a $250K honorarium (for Barron’s college fund) to join the table.


The piece de resistance, the cherry on top, the icing on the cake is a ménage a cinque featuring the trump, Cohen, Stormy three, Melania and the winning bidder all together in bed for a whole night. Bidding starts at $50 million buckaroos. For only $150 million more, an award-winning videographer and an international still photographer will record the gaggle of five writhing bodies as a memento for the strict personal use of the winning bidder.


If the video is published, the four grifters are to receive 70% of proceeds.


The proceeds of the auction will be donated to a charity of their choice. So far, the charities are: The Michael Cohen Foundation; the Stormy Daniels Fund for Stormy Daniels; The Melania Fund for Former First Ladies of the trump presidency and the Donald John trump Fund for the lessening of his legal bills.        .


May the bidding begin!


WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday.


*On the night of 23-24 August 1939, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression pact, known as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. The countries agreed that they would not attack each other and secretly divided the countries that lay between them.

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