Saturday, May 18, 2024


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game



Photo:  “Red and Black”    CA    Zeny

THE RED and the BLACK…a Boutique for EMPTY SUITS

Ivanka’s Shop for EMPTY SUITS (TM) …”we cater to empty minds with empty thoughts” and exclusively featuring ‘EMPTY MIND/EMPTY SUIT’ Women’s tailoring too!

Ivanka, always looking to make a buck and recognizing an increasingly popular trend in Washington DC of ‘EMPTY SUITS’ as Republican officials visit the NEW YORK CITY  Hush Money Trial in order to ingratiate themselves with trump,  garner photo ops and perhaps receive a pointed digit from their Dear Leader. Ivanka has signed an 8 month lease and opened her boutique on K Street in Washington DC.

The large, shabby shop is called THE RED AND THE BLACK…a one stop shop for the Empty Suit crowd looking to buy or rent EMPTY SUITS tailored and fitted especially for individuals of the EMPTY HEADS, EMPTY ETHICS & EMPTY PRINCIPLES  MAGA variety.

Ivanka anticipates that numerous Republican officials, aspiring 2024 running mates of the CHIEF EMPTY SUIT (CES)and other wannabee sycophants who are planning a quick visit and photo op at the courthouse in New York City will go for the one day rental special.  Other Toadies and Boot Lickers may opt for the exceptional EMPTY SUITS three day special which includes a red tie, an EMPTY BLACK SUIT, an airline ticket and ground transportation to Mar a Lago when the CES is in residence.

Ivanka’s EMPTY SUIT collection is guaranteed not to rip at the seams when the sycophant in question bends over to kiss the CES’s ring, rear end or to lick his boots.

WikiLeekZ has gotten word- from its sometime reliable source that the boutique is doing a HUGE business as more and more ingratiating brownnoser decide to go whole hog and buy a couple of EMPTY SUITS. One shopper declared recently- “you never know when the CES will be looking at FOX TV and see me. I don’t want to be caught naked –so to speak –that is - without wearing an EMPTY SUIT; and throw in a dozen red MAGA hats”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

*Le Rouge et le Noir (The Red and The Black) is a historical psychological novel by Stendhal, published in 1830. It chronicles the attempts of a provincial young man to rise socially through a combination of … hard work, deception, and hypocrisy.

**EMPTY SUIT - An official regarded as ineffectual, incompetent, or lacking in leadership qualities such as creativity and empathy: 

Breaking NEWZ ----Just in…at a rally in Pennsylvania, trump told the crowd of true believers that he particularly enjoys and appreciates his followers wearing Ivanka’s Red and the Black EMPTY SUITS. Ivanka’s boutique ***went public the day before the rally (raking in millions) and the trump family expects to take in additional millions of dollars in EMPTY SUIT sales in next few weeks.

***The SEC has opened an investigation for insider trading.

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