Tuesday, April 9, 2024


We Made It! Biden Whitehouse to Announce ‘Bread and Circuses’

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Yesterday, America successfully got through numerous gatherings of citizens watching the eclipse in every part of its path; and made it through 2  whole brackets of basketball games without a mass shooting. Will wonders never cease?


Shouldn’t we declare a national holiday? Or can we safely note this occurrence as the new normal?


WikiLeekZ wonders if perhaps what is needed in this country is a Roman-style ‘Bread and Circuses’ initiative which will encompass constructing sports and a few cultural coliseums in every city and town along with government-sponsored teams, competitions, festivals, in-depth artist and athlete profiles and exhibitions. 


NASA could schedule many near and deep space flights which would include a TV broadcast lottery for a coveted space suit and seat aboard a rocket ship. Hollywood would create must-see TV profiles of the crew and passengers to be broadcast weekly and still find time to churn out blockbuster after blockbuster films to entertain the masses of citizens as well as dedicated movie buffs.


Taylor Swift and Donald trump would go on the government payroll contracted to perform a stage show a week throughout America and produce an annual holiday TV special.


The goal would be to have at least one huge, colossal event every day of the week that government TV stations are not broadcasting THE NEWS as it sees ‘fit to print’. 


WikiLeekZ is not the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

2084, perhaps?


Monday, April 8, 2024

 Ellipse Honors the Return of WikiLeekZ

But, Fails to Unite Humanity

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

It’s so great to see all Americans united together for one singular experience.

There will be almost no one, whether watching communally, or in small groups questioning anyone’s political affiliation nor will there be Trump flags or firearms present.

We’ll all be sensing and experiencing a singular moment of cosmic ‘nature’ causing a deep primordial feeling of wonder and mystery even though, theoretically, we know and perhaps understand the astronomical explanation.


This shared common experience should, perhaps, allow everyone to understand our commonality more than our often petty, incomprehensible points of misunderstanding.


But, in reality, who am I kidding? In a day or so, we will all again be at each other’s throats whether in America, Ukraine or in Gaza.


Sadly, WikiLeekZ IS THE NEWZ and will continue to be so.


Friday, October 27, 2023


A WikiTorial

WikiLeekZ wonders…Am I an Evil Killer? Aren’t We All? Or…?

Am I really a part of what is generally called ‘Humanity’?

Could I have taken part of the indiscriminate slaughter of Israeli’s and others on October 6th?

Could I have been a pilot releasing bombs and missiles onto innocent Palestinians?  

Could I have been the Hamas official who gave the order to shelter among the Gazan citizenry so as to be ‘protected’ by the lives of children and women?

Could I have been the politician who dictated that Israel cut off supplies of food, water and medicine to suffering ordinary Palestinians?

Could I be among the world leaders bereft of enough intelligence, empathy and humanity and are incapable of solving this decades-long story of death, destruction and hatred?

Sadly, the conclusion is yes, I am one of those who are a part of ‘Humanity’ and the truth is that in reality, this is what ‘Humanity’ is composed of. This is what being a human being means today as well as eons before.

Are you? Aren’t we all! What responsibility do I, do you bear as Human Beings?



Friday, October 13, 2023


A Solution, Finally?

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Why would WikiLeekZ have an answer to the Palestinian/Israeli ‘Problem’. In the best Swiftian manner, here’s a go at it.

It’s a seemingly intractable situation that has only one solution;  InterEverything.

90% intermarriage, 100% Inter-Gration in schools, hospitals, businesses, sports, and even worship services.

After 3 or 4 generations, kids won’t understand what the ‘Big Deal’ was all about and older Inter-Generational folks will have only dim memories of why they fought and died among themselves.

Sure, it seems like a crazy idea, but is that crazier than murdering babies and, in retaliation, killing babies from screaming jets?

For those die-hards who refuse to abide by the solution - and there will be plenty, there are two alternatives:

Put them separately out to pasture-literally. Inter(n) them on farms and ranches that are comfortable and well-guarded and ‘educational’ until they enter their separate versions of heaven. Any infants born on the farm would be taken to the InterGrated society.

Or, if they communally so wish, put them all together in a huge, escape-proof cage - immediately, and let them take out their anger and hatred against each other and be rid of them without allowing them to murder their brothers and sisters outside of the cage.  

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


trump depressed and Pissed Off At Hamas

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has it on good authority that trump is walking the halls of Mar-a -Lago in the middle of the night and railing at Hamas - shouting to anyone awake that Hamas is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“I just can’t get a break” , trump frets – “as if the war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Afghanistan (which killed 2000 people), the Baseball Playoffs, McCarthy’s demise, the auto, Kaiser and Hollywood strikes and Taylor Swift wasn’t enough to topple me from the daily news cycle, Hamas had to go and  invade Israel just when my trials and fund raising were peaking”.

So what’s a depressed, fuming former president to do, WikiLeekZ asks? WikiLeekZ’s sources divulge trump’s plan to move the press off of those recent trivial matters. trump has decided that to turn the media’s attention away from Hamas et al and back to critical hourly coverage of trump, he’s going to engage in an illegal action - “the likes of which no one has ever seen”.

WikiLeekZ is Not the Newz, But May Be Someday



Thursday, September 7, 2023


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ Interviews GOD

WikiLeekZ, in its latest talk with GOD, questioned GOD about Marjorie Taylor Greene’s (MTG’s) latest assertion that GOD had a hand in the recent Burning Man desert flooding. MTG remarked in an interview with ‘leading journalist’, Alex Jones, (referring to Burning Man), that “because Burning Man had made a mock sacrifice before the weather became treacherous, God has a way of making sure everyone knows who God is.”

“Hey”, GOD strongly retorted, “the Burning Man flooding was caused by Mother Nature with a lot of help from the ongoing Climate Crisis, I had nothing to do with it. Ditto for hurricane Idalia, Hilary, the Phoenix heat and Canadian wildfires.”

“What, do you think that everyone in Florida, Palm Springs, Phoenix and Canada are devil-worshipping, God-denying scoundrels? I’ll have to have a heart to heart with this MTG, but my experience is that these so-called, holier-than-thou Christians such as her are the world’s biggest hypocrites and most ignorant, unbearable people I’ve created.”

“In my opinion, reasoning with MTG is a fool’s errand and I don’t think I can do much about Mother Nature. It’s up to your kind to do something about climate change-or, I warn you, there’ll be many more MTG’s in your future!”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the Newz, But May Be Someday

Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Champagne Corks Pop in Colt, Smith & Wesson and Winchester offices

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Wacko Americans pretty much covered the entire nation by celebrating their day of independence and their 2nd Amendment rights by mass murders from DC to Baltimore, Akron,  then Tampa, Ft Worth and Shreveport, Lansing and Hayward, CA.

American gun and ammo manufactures rejoiced again this Independence Day holiday - basking in the financial glow of a near record holiday mass shooting spree while the Gun Lobby reminded investors that they will never go wrong by investing in American’s propensity to kill their fellow Americans with firearms.

American firearm and ammunition manufacturers now consider the July 4th holiday as their most sacred day on the calendar year.  Because 2023 will go down in the annals of domestic ‘shootings for profit’ by the sheer number of ‘down incidents’  (their polite term for the dead and wounded) in one holiday weekend. Champagne corks and pop tops are popping in Colt, Smith& Wesson and Winchester corporate offices today as sales figures are announced.

“Thoughts and Prayers”

Americans have always been smug and condescending when the topic of Aztec human sacrifices on their cultural altars are studied.

However, Americans have no right to be so supercilious and arrogant when this holiday alone, we have sacrificed 15 Americans to their death and almost one hundred more wounded on the altar of ignorance, greed and politics.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday