Tuesday, March 28, 2023


Republicans Declare: Right to Bare Arms, Not Penises

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…SATIRE is Our Game

Citing the 2nd Amendment which does not mention Penises                                                                    Florida Republicans to Beta Test slogans in Right Wing Florida Focus Groups

According to WikiLeekZ sources, the Florida RNC in conjunction with De Santis is testing out mottos to win hearts and minds of the Republican voters.

Republicans believe they have found the perfect solution to school kid’s education

Here are just a few ideas…

Republicans pledge safety from seeing penises in art class, but won’t guarantee that kids won’t be shot while said in class

We’ll save you from seeing penises, but won’t save you from being killed

Guns Good; Penises Bad

And for their first foreign assault on indecency-

If elected, Republicans pledge to save Florentine’s from David…and other 16th Century abominations, atrocities and outrages against Republican-style  civilization


Hercules and Cacus                                              Rape of the Sabine Women

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday







Sunday, March 26, 2023


Florida Sues California to Remove Native American Fertility Monument

WikiLeekZ is Our Name… Satire is Our Game


                                                  California          ©Zeny

Yesterday, the State of Florida filed suit in a Federal District Court to require the State of California to remove the Sacred Native American Fertility Monument with all due speed.

The nut of the State of Florida’s argument is that vacationing Floridians with underage (21years old or less) kids may perhaps possiblly be driving by this gigantic obscene shrine to pornography causing it to be seen by their young, innocent children.

Such an occurrence perhaps, might possibly scar their fragile little ones for life, or at least a few seconds. The appearance of such an indecent, lewd, licentious object may also cause the parents of their innocent offspring to be asked questions that they find extremely awkward and uncomfortable to answer.


                                    Florence                          ©Zeny

WikileekZ asks, will “The ‘Rape of the Sabine Women’  be next”?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be One Day