Wednesday, October 28, 2020

                                                WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Remind you of anything or anyone?

The Trump administration triumphantly declared victory over the coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday, one week before the 2020 election and with COVID-19 cases surging across the country.

The lie came in a news release on a new 62 page report from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy listing what it claims are the scientific and technological accomplishments during President Donald trump’s first term. The list includes “ENDING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday




Tuesday, October 27, 2020


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ agrees with trump completely-100%, when trump said yesterday in Pennsylvania …

"It's ending anyway. We are rounding the turn. It's ending anyway,"  - trump

“Normal life. That's what we want, right? Normal life. Normal life. We just want normal life. It's happening, very quickly."- trump

WikiLeekZ reminds Americans that in less than one week trump’s words will ring true- here are the perfect words that were presaged by President Ford at his Inauguration…

My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over ... Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule. But there is a higher Power, by whatever name we honor him, who ordains not only righteousness but love, not only justice but mercy”.

Get Out and VOTE!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trump Boldly Leads the US into the 18th Century

Luddites of America Unite!

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

trump struck a blow for Luddites all across the nation when he insultingly said on Sunday at his Carson City rally that his opponent, Joe Biden, “would listen to scientists if elected president”.

WikiLeekZ reports that his modern-day 5,000 - mostly mask-less crowd of Luddites cheered in unison at such a crystal clear, intelligent statement by Der Leader.

At almost exactly the same time, back east, Tony Fauci, whom trump called a “disaster’ during that same rally, was virtually accepting an award for “exemplary leadershipfor his role as a leader of federal research and policy on infectious disease.

“He’ll listen to the scientists,” Trump bellowed at that Nevada campaign rally. “If I listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression, instead of, we’re like a rocket ship. Take a look at the numbers.” 

WikiLeekZ wonders…can you imagine anyone “listening to scientists”? People say that trump directed doctors at Walter Reed Hospital as to what procedures they should follow in treating him for the virus.

WikiLeekZ concedes that Big Brain trump was correct about one thing; the US has taken off like a “rocket ship”. There are now over EIGHT million cases on Covid 19 and more than 215,000 deaths in the United States. No other country comes close to matching trump’s triumph. Under his brilliant leadership, the US has by far, the most Corona Virus cases and deaths in the world with the prospect of many more in the near future.

The cheering crowd at Carson City certainly proves the efficacy of Big Brain trump’s protocols to save American lives. And the economy? “How’s that working out”?

WikiLeekZ wonders if America really deserves a leader like trump.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


Friday, October 16, 2020


trump goes in for the Kill…the Ultimate Voter Suppression Tactic

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game                                                                                         (All the Fake Newz That’s Fit to Print)

Despite all medical advice, trump continues to hold mass rallies almost daily without taking care to follow Covid 19-safe guidelines…utterly without regard to human life or the suffering of his hard core devotees.

It’s counter-intuitive you might think…spreading the Corona virus to his followers right before the election- thus holding down his own vote count; but trump and his followers have an evil secret plan devised by trump dirty trickster, Roger Stone and trump himself.

Right after each trump MAGA rally, every trump follower will fan out across the region in an effort to make contact with every person they see who is displaying a Biden lawn sign, Biden bumper sticker or is wearing a Biden/Harris hat or t shirt. They will engage them in a political discussion-without a mask and at close quarters for up to 10 minutes… being sure that they are spreading a large load of  virus particles they hope to have picked up at the recent rally. The trump re-election campaign figures that one dedicated, true trump devotee has a good chance of infecting and hopefully sideling at least ten Biden voters per day.

After this Ultimate Voter Suppression tactic, each trump supporter will dutifully fill out their absentee ballot and mail it in just in case they end up in the local ICU or the morgue on Nov 3 rd - which would preclude in-person voting.

The trumpies, if they don’t recover, will be able to Rest in Peace knowing that they helped trump to victory against those evil, immoral Democrats. Trump wins, Democrats are dead and the Republic is saved…what a country!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Some Day



Friday, October 9, 2020

 To Face Reality or to Ignore Reality, THAT is the Question Today, Right Now

It’s About Time!

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Remember the quaint times-the world in which we lived, when in the beginning of the trump administration - about a hundred years ago,  the NYT and the other newspapers, TV and media platforms were debating what their policy should be in regard to using the words LIE and LIAR in referring to the numerous statements uttered by trump that were so patently false?

As we all know, the words LIAR and LIE are now written and voiced as a matter of course by the mainstream media today.

WikiLeekZ reminds us that we are in the same situation but with different words now. WikiLeekZ believes it’s just a matter of time before the NYT, WOPO, the WSJ and numerous other media outlets begin using the words CRAZY, DANGEROUS and TRAITOROUS in regard to trump. It’s about time!

There is one more situation that will need to change as well. There are 3 words...The 25th Amendment that are not yet seriously written and discussed openly by the media and all citizens. It’s about time to have those discussions too.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But Will Be Someday

Wednesday, October 7, 2020


If it’s good enough for Eichmann at trial, it’s good enough for Pence at debate

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

After flip flopping, Pence finally decided to agree to a Plexiglas barrier for tonight’s debate.

This morning, at a small pre-debate rally in Utah, Kamala Harris was greeted with chants of

‘Build That Wall, ‘The Plexiglas Wall’

‘Build that Wall’ ‘The Plexiglas Wall’

At first, Harris was confused but then asked the crowd, “Who’s going to build that wall”?

and the crowd chanted back

‘Donald T and Michael P’

‘Donald T and Michael P’

“And who’s going to Pay for That Wall?” she asked

‘The Two Hundred Thousand…Yes, them All’

‘The Two Hundred Thousand, Yes, them All’

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday




Monday, October 5, 2020


Trump books Flight to China

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

Today, trump’s travel agent booked a commercial flight for trump to go to China-First Class from WDC to Beijing tomorrow morning.

trump tweeted only one hour ago that he will be returning to the White House this evening. He misses his Big Macs and Freedom Fries which are not allowed in most hospitals throughout the country.

WikiLeekZ has learned that trump has decided, that instead of going to southern Siberia to duplicate Putin’s shirtless horse ride, he’d swim the Yangtze River to show his lemmings that he is as healthy as a horse, and “I feel better than I did 20 years ago” trump tweeted today

trump aims to swim even farther than Mao did in his famous Yangtze River swim heralding his return to the forefront in China.

Mao dove into the river and emerged reborn in the eyes of the nation- Post magazine

It’s a public relations coup gushed his coterie of henchmen and henchwomen from their Covid 19-quarantined abodes in Maryland and Virginia.

Just in- News Flash…No commercial airline will sell trump a ticket to fly to China because of the danger of a Super Spreader on board, so he’ll have to take Air Force One- that is if he can find a crew to replace the regular crew which has refused be on the same plane with trump.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Some Day.



 Hey, Hey Donald J -  How Many Americans did you Kill Today?

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

The president tweeted a video message about his “surprise,” and insisted that he had “learned a lot about COVID,” adding: “I get it.”

WikiLeekZ is having a difficult time (once again) in understanding the absolute Arrogance and Ignorance of trump and his merry band of sycophants.

The Corona Virus has been ravaging America since March – 7 full months -  leaving over 200,000 dead Americans in its wake and trump is only now saying, in a recent Soviet-style video, purportedly from Walter Reed, that he has “learned a lot about COVID, I get it.”

Really?  And exactly how much has he learned? Yesterday trump ordered a completely unnecessary, selfish, dangerous and egotistical drive by his adoring, mask-less, flag-waving lemmings massed outside the hospital. He wasn’t alone in his hermetically sealed sedan- no, he put the lives of 2 Secret Service agents in jeopardy who accompanied him.

The bigger, incredibly unbelievable question for WikiLeekZ and all Americans is this; is trump, the so-called leader of America, admitting that because of his hospitalization, he is just now understanding the gravity of the virus? Is he only now, within the past 3 days, admitting that he finally “gets it”?

Does his statement mean that after 7 million Americans have contracted Covid 19 and 205,000+ have died he’s just now understanding the problem? After countless lives in this country have been disrupted and families shattered is it only now that he realizes the magnitude of the disaster? Is that possible?

Yes, that’s exactly what he is telling us and he doesn’t even realize the arrogance and ignorance of his words. He was not just fiddling or playing golf while America was burning, he is telling us, in plain English that  he didn’t even know our American house was on fire!

So, when he finally “gets it” what does he do? He endangers other innocent Americans while waving his tiny hands like some tin horn dictator from his sealed vehicle. That’s an image that will live in infamy and idiocy for ever.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Thursday, October 1, 2020


Trump Family Strategy for the Future of America

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

It was a shock but no real surprise to WikiLeekZ when, the day after the first trump-Biden presidential debate, WikiLeekZ received a copy of a memo from a highly placed disgruntled trump administration insider outlining the Trump Family Strategy for the Future.

The memo, titled the Advancing Strong Trump First Doctrine”: PLAN A   outlines how the trump family and their enablers will control the levers of the United States government into the foreseeable future.

A          trump gets elected in 2020 with the help of the Attorney General, Russia’s Putin, the Supreme Court and swing state Republican governors by suppressing voters, invalidating votes, outrageous disinformation and rigged voting machines

B          Trump appoints Ivanka as his Chief of Staff and Pence is shoved in the background effectively making Ivanka second in command.

C          In the 2022 mid-term elections, Republicans re-take both the Senate and House by an enhanced election fraud engineered by Jared and Don, Jr. aided by an acquiescent Supreme Court, illegal gerrymandering, Putin and scoundrel Republican governors.

D          In or around 2022 Pence resigns for ‘health reasons’ and trump appoints Ivanka trump-Kushner as Vice President who is confirmed by the Republican majorities in the House and Senate. Eric Trump is ‘elevated’ to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

E          In early 2023 President trump resigns his office and Ivanka Trump-Kushner becomes President, is confirmed by Moscow Mitch and his ilk and promptly appoints Don Jr as Vice President and retains Jared as Chief of Staff

F          President Ivanka trump-Kushner & Vice President Don, Jr run and are elected by the bought and sold Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, 15 member Supreme Court and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Donald J trump retains his positions as Attorney General, Der Leader of the newly constituted Schutzstaffel, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

G          Initiate Plan B …Hop on Air Force One and fly to Moscow the day after the November election before the 2 Million Person ‘March for Democracy’ reaches the White House.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday