Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trump Boldly Leads the US into the 18th Century

Luddites of America Unite!

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

trump struck a blow for Luddites all across the nation when he insultingly said on Sunday at his Carson City rally that his opponent, Joe Biden, “would listen to scientists if elected president”.

WikiLeekZ reports that his modern-day 5,000 - mostly mask-less crowd of Luddites cheered in unison at such a crystal clear, intelligent statement by Der Leader.

At almost exactly the same time, back east, Tony Fauci, whom trump called a “disaster’ during that same rally, was virtually accepting an award for “exemplary leadershipfor his role as a leader of federal research and policy on infectious disease.

“He’ll listen to the scientists,” Trump bellowed at that Nevada campaign rally. “If I listened totally to the scientists, we would right now have a country that would be in a massive depression, instead of, we’re like a rocket ship. Take a look at the numbers.” 

WikiLeekZ wonders…can you imagine anyone “listening to scientists”? People say that trump directed doctors at Walter Reed Hospital as to what procedures they should follow in treating him for the virus.

WikiLeekZ concedes that Big Brain trump was correct about one thing; the US has taken off like a “rocket ship”. There are now over EIGHT million cases on Covid 19 and more than 215,000 deaths in the United States. No other country comes close to matching trump’s triumph. Under his brilliant leadership, the US has by far, the most Corona Virus cases and deaths in the world with the prospect of many more in the near future.

The cheering crowd at Carson City certainly proves the efficacy of Big Brain trump’s protocols to save American lives. And the economy? “How’s that working out”?

WikiLeekZ wonders if America really deserves a leader like trump.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


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