Friday, July 30, 2021


2021 Running of the Bulls cancelled in Pamplona


My Week in Pamplona



For the second year in a row, Pamplona has cancelled the Festival of San Fermin. What follows is a recounting of my experience at the festival fifty years ago.


For years, going to Pamplona and photographing the Running of the Bulls had been on my ‘need to experience’ list. In the late 1960’s I decided not only to go but to film it with my new Bolex 16mm movie camera. To accompany the camera,

I bought a Uher portable tape recorder on the advice of a friend, the whiz sound technician, Bruce Kirby with the intention of making a film about bull-fighting; its barbarity and why it should stop.


As with so many other things, one changes their conceptions as one actually learns about the subject. I changed my opinion as I became somewhat immersed and conversant in the bull fighting culture and traditions during that week in Pamplona. 


The great, well-known  Toreros - Antonio Ordonez, Paco Camino, El Cordobés and perhaps Curro Romero were some I remember being on the afternoon cards. When I arrived in Pamplona, I knew nothing about bull fighting but I did learn some things in attending 5-6 bull fights. The extent of my knowledge was to try to get seats in the sombra, or at least sol y sombra.  However, I learned the most from talking with aficionados from all over the world while sitting in the cafes, bars and restaurants that week.


Those were magical days for me. We sat at tables, altogether; mainly young people, mostly men from England, Sweden, America and of course, a few from Spain. After a few days, we were regulars and I was recognized loaded down with my ubiquitous equipment. Because of the equipment, I think I might have had a caché that was entirely unearned, but I took advantage of it and conducted many recorded interviews while at a cafe drinking wine.


Everyone seemed drunk most of the time; especially the Scandinavians. Later that summer, when we went to Sweden to visit people met in Pamplona, I could understand the allure of Pamplona to the Swedes… music, bulls, hot sun and cheap wine and food. Luckily for me, they all spoke English and I could talk, interview and learn about Spain and bull fighting history and its traditions.


I did speak enough Spanish so that I could interview some Spaniards in a simple way and everyone seemed interested in explaining the importance that the Corrida has played in the life of the Spanish for many years. No one suggested a change. No one wanted the bull fights to stop. Every one of the Spaniards was serious and grave when describing its significance. I began the interviews opposed to the whole bull fighting culture but I gradually changed my opinion as I came to realize that I was not a part of the culture and had little right to criticize


There was a Hemingway impersonator; he was tall with a white beard, a tan fisherman's vest, white shirt and khaki pants making all of the cafe rounds, always in public and even signing autographs! 


The bulls for the days' Corrida were held in a pen at the foot of the narrow street down by the river.  The narrow, cobbled street began at a low point by the river and was inclined upward leading to the bullring. I had to find my spot to stand early in the morning because the cannon was shot off announcing the start of the Encierro (Running of the Bulls) at 7 in the morning. 


I always tried to find a spot in a doorway that was recessed about a foot in order to have some protection from the bulls raging by. The problem with the doorway idea, I heard later from some Swedes, was that if the bull stopped in front of you, you were trapped and unable to escape. Luckily, that didn't happen but I did see an occasional young man get gored or bashed by a bull while he stood helplessly standing in a doorway.


The Festival of San Fermin lasted seven days and each day began to take on a familiar rhythm. Wake up early and find a spot along the street, wait in the early coolness for the canon boom and then I could hear faint shouts near the holding pen as the runners saw and began to run ahead of and with the bulls. My heart started pounding a minute later as the rumbling of hooves on cobblestones, shouts and terrified screams got loud that I couldn't hear or feel my pounding heart any longer.


On the first morning I was starting to think that this was the stupidest thing I'd ever done. I was opening myself up to being gored in the doorway or chased by a bull while I carried my precious camera and tape recorder. I had no idea of what to do, how to avoid a charging 1000 pound frightened animal with razor-sharp horns striking out at anything that was in his path.


As the days passed and after talking with many Encierro 'pros' from northern European countries, I began to get an idea of what to do in various bull vs man scenarios. If you fall, lie still on the ground and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms and stay down, if a bull breaks from the pack, watch out, he's dangerous! Sometimes there's a straggler and watch out for that one too. All of these warnings and more probably were of little use to me with all of the equipment I had with me anyway.

After the six bulls (plus there were a couple of oxen with bells) passed, it was generally safe to start walking to the arena...just watch out for a bull that has turned around and is deciding which of us to attack.


The arena was filled with people in the stands and the runners, in their white pants, shirts and red sashes, were all in a big mash up with the confused and frightened bulls at the narrow entrance. I was in the stands for one run and could see that the entrance was all clogged up with red and white clothed bodies many of whom were piled up on the ground as bulls leaped or ran over them.


After the Encierro, it was time for a coffee and roll at a cafe and lots of talk about the mornings' events. In the morning, after the Encierro, it was easy to meet and talk with people from all over Europe because there was a commonality, a kinship of just having been through an epic event. For some, who ran just in front of or touched the bulls, it was very possibly a transformative event.


I was eager to hear all of the dope I could on where to stand, the customs and history, methods of running as well as where to get the best Paella and wine. For me, I went around photographing, then lunch and a siesta before the bullfights in the evening. I even picked out my favorite bull of the week. His name was Pensativo (Thoughtful) and I was sad to think as I watched him in the bullring meet his death, that if I were to eat Estufado de Toros for dinner that week, it may be that Pensativo is on my plate!


Before the Corrida began, everyone would gather in the bars and cafes and talk about the bulls and matadors on the card that day. We talked about all sorts of things such as the breeds, the owners, bloodlines, weights and tendencies of the bull’s movements. We also discussed and debated the matadors' abilities mostly by people much more knowledgeable than me.


After good talk, some drinks and tapas we walked over to the arena with tickets and cameras. Six fights later and it was time to have dinner. We found a restaurant, the Maitena the first night and thought the Paella was so good, the atmosphere and ambience so perfect that we found our way back for 3-4 more dinners.


When we finally left Pamplona for our next destination with a back pack full of 16mm color film and reels of recordings which I carried around Europe for three months, little did I know that after returning to Ranch Mirage, a ‘Hundred Year’ flood would destroy it all + my camera a short time after returning home.

así es la vida



Thursday, July 29, 2021


Covid Rho Variant Overwhelms MAGA States Healthcare Systems

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

The Center for Disease Surveillance and the World Health Association have concurrently discovered that a new Covid 19 variant has been discovered in certain parts of America.  It’s designated Rho – the Greek Alphabet symbol for the letter R. It’s a variant on steroids-a weaponized Covid 19 mutation that has been detected in the Republican Senate and House caucuses, Fox, Sinclair, News Max and OAN newsrooms and in all of the Red States dominated by Republican legislatures and Governors. Give me Liberty or Give me Covid

The peculiar thing about it is that it seems to only affect those who are not vaccinated and don’t believe in the efficacy of Corona virus vaccines and mask wearing. Maga Red hat wearers are succumbing to it by the thousands, Biden and scientists are pleading to survivors to get their shots to protect themselves and others. Explanations that viruses mutate only to become more dangerous is falling upon deaf ears to surviving Red hatters as they chant their mantras while they are rushed to hospitals. I regret that I have only One Life to die of Covid.

Some well-meaning politicians and pundits advise us not to shame and blame the Red Hatters…to try to reason and offer bribes to get their shots. And how has that worked out? As they become infected, they infect others who in turn pass the virus to relatives and friends and eventually to us…who become sick. Just Don’t do It.     


Well, WikiLeekZ is sick too – sick and tired of stupid, selfish, pig-headed political Red Necks who are endangering our citizens, our children, our economy and way of life simply for pyrrhic political and financial gain. Not only that but perhaps the most egregious thing that they’re doing is to allow the virus to flourish and mutate and eventually, we’ll all have to start all over again.           A Diamond  Covid diagnosis is Forever.

Then, We’ll have to endure:

A break neck rush to develop a vaccine to protect us from the Rho Mutants

The race to manufacture hundreds of millions of doses

Beginning a new, perhaps year-long Lock Down

Dealing perhaps a fatal economic blow

Witnessing the daily suffering and death among us all


Does anyone remember the past 15 months? Is there anyone who does not know a victim of Covid? How many long-haul suffering patients will we have to care for?

It’s one thing to complain and another to state solutions.

WikiLeekZ wants:

All places of work to require vaccinations of all of their eligible workers or they will be fired. Period.                   

Those fired workers are not eligible for any type of unemployment, food stamps or other government help.

Mandated mask wearing of all inside events even by the double vaccinated who will be the only ones admitted

Mask wearing not an option at outdoor sporting events. Wear a mask or get kicked out.

Insurance companies either stop insuring non-vaccinated policy holders or charge an amount commensurate with Covid hospital treatment costs - except for a valid medical reason. 

No issuance of life insurance to those not vaccinated. Policy holders must produce a valid vaccination card.

Non vaccinated emergency patients with the Rho variant to be shuttled to a special quarantined ‘non-vaccinated’ facility and to receive minimal treatment so as not to endanger the lives of health care workers and those with whom they come into contact.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Covid-Rho The Breakfast of Champions.














Tuesday, July 20, 2021


Bezos Makes First Space Delivery…is Distracted

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

The Bezos rocket, nicknamed UPSBrown Origin, blasted off into space today to pick up a package Richard Branson left for UPS delivery back to Earth. As planned, UPSBrown Origin successfully dropped off its own package addressed to ‘Elon Musk – Space’ for Musk to pick up when he ventures into space aboard Virgin Galactic.

The flight went off without a hitch except for the UPS software glitches when Bezos attempted to fill out the UPS form for the Musk package. For example: 0 (zero) weight was not acceptable; Bezos didn’t know the zip code for ‘space’; the software rejected a ‘residential address ‘; when Jeff wrote ‘priceless’ in the $value box, that too was rejected!

Bezos was rejected when he checked the ‘Carbon Neural’ box and when he came to ‘How would you like to pay?’ he went ballistic, to coin a phrase. “I own the f---Ing company he shouted to his amused space flight companions who were too busy marveling at the sights to pay attention to a Bezos hunched over his device as he was trying to figure out his package dilemma.

When he finally checked the ‘I’ll drop it off myself’ box and wrote SKubRicK in the discount code, everything fell into place in a manner of speaking. As they were descending, Bezos got caught up on all he had missed from his companions.

 “Gee, that sounds really amazing, I would have liked to have seen it all, maybe next delivery”

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Red State Republican Leaders to be on Trial for Mass Murder

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

If only Jonathan Swift were alive today to satirize the Republican Death Wish Cult which is alive and well in Red States controlled by Republicans. That’s ironic- a Death Wish Cult is Alive and Well today!

WikiLeekZ is replacing Jonathan Swift and updating his Eating of Children essay with…   Red State Republicans to be on Trial for Mass Murder

Proclamation A:                                                                                                                                                                 In 21 states, bills have been introduced that would limit any requirements that individuals produce evidence that they have been vaccinated for Covid 19… including in schools…NOT FAKE NEWS

All the states where such laws are in effect are controlled by Republican governors and legislatures: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. And, across the nation 99% of Covid infections are with the UN-vaccinated. NOT FAKE NEWS

That is only the Red State Republicans first step, they call it Proclamation A … it’s a huge step in the right direction of Mass Murder.

The Red States Republican planned next step is Proclamation B which will outlaw vaccinations against whooping cough, polio, measles and chicken pox for youngsters. 

According to Red State Republican leaders… Proclamation A and Proclamation B will not only benefit children but extend the privilege to adults’.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Newz Flash!!!   GOP Losing Voters-Blame Covid Conspiracy …RINO’s - Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing?

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Red States Committing Mass Suicide     RIP

WikiLeekZ doesn’t get it and wonders why Red States seem to be Committing Mass Suicide.  And, the thing is, Red State leaders such as trump, Noem, De Santis, Abbott and others are conspiring to harm and even kill right wing voters. That doesn’t seem to bode well for the future-short or long term of the GOP.

WikiLeekZ can only speculate, but it seems as if these GOP governors (and trump) are leading their flock off real and virtual political cliffs by not insisting that all Red State citizens get vaccinated and assuring constituents that the 3 vaccines are safe and life-saving.

Is the only answer that these Red State governors are RINO operators who are leading the GOP to disaster? What other reason could there possibly be?

The GOP leadership can’t possibly believe all of the astonishingly stupid comments and agree with the dangerous, suicidal anti vax, anti-mask laws that they’re promulgating. CAN THEY? The governors must be RINO infiltrators into the Republican Party, right?

History may well record that the 2020/2021 GOP disappeared into the hospital rooms, morgues and graveyards of Red States. RIP.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be One Day.