Monday, February 26, 2018

The Nation and Trump Laments that he wasn’t at Parkland during the Massacre

“I really believe I’d run in there even if I didn’t have a weapon”…DJT

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Based on the President’s prior military record…or lack thereof and his *statement on the Howard Stern Show, WikiLeekZ wonders if the girls of Parkland High School would have run away in fright  from President Bone Spurs as he endeavored to fight off the shooter with his Tiny Hands.

Trump recently told US Governors …I’m a very Brave Person, Maybe the Bravest in the World. President Bone Spurs continued that he believed he’d have run into to the school to confront the shooter even without a weapon and despite his Tiny Hands handicap, WikiLeekZ is skeptical. Skeptical because Trump also said “and I think most of the people in this room would have done that too,”

None of the governors were seen raising their hands in agreement that they would follow Trump…whatever the cost. Going in without backup would have been foolish...then again...

Disgraced General Mike Flynn, in a statement today, lauded the President for his Brave Fantasy Encounter and suggested that the military parade Trump so desperately wants should rightfully Honor Trump and his Imagined Fantasy Bravery. Flynn volunteered to lead the parade on the condition of a Full Presidential Pardon for those Anti-American deeds he didn’t do.

*Speaking of how he avoided sexually transmitted infections during the decades, Trump said, "It is a dangerous world out there. It's scary, like Vietnam ... It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave solider."     -President Donald John Trump speaking on the Howard Stern show in 1997.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Thursday, February 22, 2018

God Answers the GOP’s Thoughts and Prayers

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

After telling the dead, their families and friends…and all who would listen after each mass murder these many years that… “our thoughts and prayers are with you” ...and not doing ONE SINGLE THING to stop the carnage, the GOP has finally had their prayers answered; From none other than God, Herself.

“You offered your thoughts and prayers so many times...after so many massacres that I feel as if I should answer your thoughts and prayers myself.

My thought is that you have absolutely no foundation, thoughts or a prayer of understanding Christianity or any other of the great religions of the world. I can read your minds when you profess to be praying for the many victims. I know that what you are actually praying for is to get past this latest horrendous event without having to upset the NRA...and, so far it has worked.

But, your little game of pretend sympathy and outrage is at an end. You will learn from the children of Parkland and you will turn away from the NRA.

It will be your “Come to Jesus Moment “and I prophesize that if that does not happen, you will lose your next election.

Live by the NRA, Die by the Vote”.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


N. No
R. Rifles (Assult)
A. Anymore

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has learned of a new organization that is being formed by the majority of members of the NRA membership who are opposed to the reckless, murderous, greedy leadership of the present NRA.

An offSHOOT of the NRA, the NEW NRA is being organized for the express purpose of proposing and being sure that Congress and the President pass smart gun control legislation within 6 months. The legislation would ban all sales of assault rifles and to ensure that complete and thorough background checks and a 6 week waiting period are enforced.

Wayne La Pierre, spokesman for the OLD NRA has issued the following statement in response to the NEW NRA...

‘It’s the FAKE NEWS. We’re comin after so-called new nra and we’re comin after you, FAKE NEWS. We have your addresses, we know where you live and we have enough crazed members who don’t want their guns taken away. You can all be liquidated in the blink of an eye.

After that, we’re comin after the protesting students who dare to question the 2nd Amendment...what do kids know about the Constitution? We will fight on to the end to protect our right to own guns and our god-given rights to protect our families AND to take out anyone who disagrees with us.

After we’re finished with the FAKE NEWS and so-called new nra, we will go to the churches and then the theatres and after that the post offices and other work places. If that’s not enough, we’ll go to concerts and we’ll hit the schools even harder than before...until so many Americans have been slaughtered that the streets will run red from the blood of these traitors and that the remaining citizens will plead for mercy.

We’ll consider their pleas if they consent to attending re-education camps and pass crucial 2nd Amendment tests’.

WikiLeekZ has learned that Trump is perfectly content playing golf, selling hats and tweeting about how he’s Making America Great Again.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

They Came and I Did Nothing

First they came to Columbine and Killed
But I didn’t Protest for I lived in California

Then they killed in San Bernardino
But I Didn’t Protest for I was not a Soldier

Then, they slaughtered in Orlando
But I did Nothing because I thought it would never happen again

Then they came to Charleston
And I did Nothing because I was not Black

Then they came to Parkland
Yet I did Nothing, but Thought I Should

Then, they came to my Grand kid's School
And then, I did Something. I Buried My Heart in Their Field of Dreams


Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 4, 2018

The Three Stooges  Paul, John & Devin

WikiLeekZ is Our name…Satire is Our Game

The Republican Party has reprised the Three Stooges in 2018 America political thought.

Paul Ryan, Devin Nunes and John Kelly are serving as Head Stooge Donald Trump’s dangerous, traitorous real life Stooges as they do the bidding of Trump, America’s newly-minted version of Joseph McCarthy...all compliments of puppet master Vladimir Putin.

WikiLeekZ is not sure if it’s some Russian-involved financial shenanigans or Donald’s unique sexual practices but it is becoming increasingly clear that the Donald is being black-mailed by Putin and his Russian Mafia henchman.

Stooges Ryan, Nunes and Kelly are only 3 of the most egregious figures helping to enable Trump to shred American Democracy as we know it.

Not since Joseph McCarthy laid waste to our democratic traditions and institutions in the 1950’s has the institutions of the United States been subjected to such depredations and fear mongering.

The FBI, DOJ, the court system, our voting system and our Senate and House of Representatives have all been assaulted in an unprecedented way by Putin/Trump.

And, these 3 Stooges and many others in Congress and the Media are acting only to save one delusional, egotistical, child-like man.

Rod Rosenstein is surely Trump/Putin’s next target, then Mueller and then a constitutional crisis will engulf the nation, allowing Putin to move into Ukraine and the Baltic States without any worries that the US will or even be capable of objecting or forming a coalition with other western democracies to stop his Empire-building march.

The 3 Stooges ‘Memo’ is so transparently written to give Trump/Putin his thinly veiled so-called excuse to stop the Mueller investigation. The prospect of Trump giving his approval to the Democratic rebuttal memo is very close to nil, maybe even lower.

And, what of the Republicans? Forgetaboutit. The 2018 mid-terms may be American democracy’s last best chance. It’s pretty easy to imagine what Trump and his minions would do if they retained healthy majorities in the 2018 elections.

Bringing back Manny, Moe and Jack along with the Graucho, Zeppo, Harpo and Gummo would be a welcome relief from the Keystone Kops and Little Rascals currently inhabiting the Halls of Power in Washington!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Friday, February 9, 2018

Emperor Trump Wants Military Parade

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Trump to follow paths of Russia, North Korea, China and France…

After being a guest at France’s Bastille Day military parade in Paris, Trump later told French president Macron at the UN annual meeting…

“We are actually thinking about Fourth of July, Pennsylvania Avenue, having a really great parade to show our military strength.” -DJT

 “We’re all aware in this country of the president’s affection and respect for the military. We have been putting together some options, we will send them up to the White House for (a) decision”. -General Mattis

Option One:  Military causes Trump to be ‘indisposed’ on day of parade, causing him to be bedridden at the White House on parade day. 12 large screen TV’s will broadcast, w/o Trump’s knowledge, footage of past military parades all day long. Hitler’s Berlin parades; Stalin’s 1945 Moscow Victory Parade, the 70th Anniversary V Day Parade in Beijing and North Korea’s military parade a day before the opening of the 2018 Winter Olympics will be screened.
All of these parades were formatted to make trump believe that they were happening in real time on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Option 2:
Have Ralph Lauren design a white Khadafy-like military uniform for Trump complete with gold epaulets, gold braiding, a big gold hat and so many medals that his tunic sags. Similar, but less important (gaudy) uniforms will be worn by Pence, and other Cabinet members as well as his family. The head of Joint Chiefs of Staff will inform the Commander in Chief that the uniforms were so costly that there was no money left over for the planned parade and this option suggests that all of these uniformed-besotted people form their own contingent and march straight over to Walter Reed Hospital and spend the day with real military personnel.
Option 3:

Inform the president that in a poll conducted by the military, only 7 people in America wanted a dictator-like, Banana-Republic-like parade designed for one person to grandly sit…Mussolini-like in a reviewing stand while every member of the military, duty-bound, marches by and salutes a man who used 5 BONE SPUR deferments to weasel out of real military service.
Option 4:

Have the parade Trump wants and invite the leaders of North Korea, Russia, China and every tin-horn South American, African and Asian dictator to attend and bring their biggest weapons, tallest soldiers and loudest marching bands.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Trump Asks Sessions to Arrest Traitors

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

From Newsday Feb 6, 2018…
While Republicans were “going totally crazy wild” as he recited his achievements on the economy, the Democrats “were like death, And un-American. Un-American,” Trump complained while speaking at an Ohio factory. Then he added: “Somebody said treasonous. I mean, yeah, I guess why not. Can we call that treason? Why not. They certainly didn’t seem to love our country very much.”
To put words into deeds after calling out the way Democrats acted at the SOU Address, President Trump has ordered AG Sessions to review evidence that hundreds of Traitors are loose in Congress and to prepare to arrest them.

The White House has sent Sessions a Trump-autographed video of his State Of the Union Address as positive evidence of traitorous activity by most Democratic members of Congress who did not pay the appropriate obsequiousness during his speech.

Trump attached a hand-written list of TRAITOROUS  ACTIONS and his suggested PUNISHMENTS for these crimes…

Sitting on Hands with a Pained or Bored Expression             *DEATH

Pursing of Lips while Nodding Disapprovingly and Scowling             10 YEARS in Federal Prison

Looking at NBA scores on iPhone while Trump is excoriating Dems and M13               5 YEARS

Making Snide Asides to the person beside you and Grimacing while Trump praises Trump   2 YEARS

Reading Hustler Magazine’s article on Stormy Daniels w/o flashing Trump a centerfold picture   6 MONTHS

Boycotting the Best Ever SOU Address          LOSS OF WHITE HOUSE CHRISTMAS PARTY INVITE

Clapping with One Hand while Trump himself claps vigorously in self-congratulations      DOJ/IRS INVESTIGATIONS

Failing to rise when Trump entered chamber       NO SCOOPS OF ICE CREAM AT W H SUMMER ICE CREAM SOCIAL

Failure to Clap Thunderously, Cheer and Shout Hosannas at the conclusion of the Address           WITHDRAWAL OF INVITATION TO NEXT SOU ADDRESS

In response, Sessions wrote to the President that…
‘Vladimir Putin has given me the okay to carry out your (Kim Jong Un-inspired) orders your Majesty. The KGB is now on its way to carry out the mass arrests.  A full accounting of executions, incarcerations, investigations and cancellation of privileges will be sent to you tomorrow, Your Highness’

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

* Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000…