Friday, February 9, 2018

Emperor Trump Wants Military Parade

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Trump to follow paths of Russia, North Korea, China and France…

After being a guest at France’s Bastille Day military parade in Paris, Trump later told French president Macron at the UN annual meeting…

“We are actually thinking about Fourth of July, Pennsylvania Avenue, having a really great parade to show our military strength.” -DJT

 “We’re all aware in this country of the president’s affection and respect for the military. We have been putting together some options, we will send them up to the White House for (a) decision”. -General Mattis

Option One:  Military causes Trump to be ‘indisposed’ on day of parade, causing him to be bedridden at the White House on parade day. 12 large screen TV’s will broadcast, w/o Trump’s knowledge, footage of past military parades all day long. Hitler’s Berlin parades; Stalin’s 1945 Moscow Victory Parade, the 70th Anniversary V Day Parade in Beijing and North Korea’s military parade a day before the opening of the 2018 Winter Olympics will be screened.
All of these parades were formatted to make trump believe that they were happening in real time on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Option 2:
Have Ralph Lauren design a white Khadafy-like military uniform for Trump complete with gold epaulets, gold braiding, a big gold hat and so many medals that his tunic sags. Similar, but less important (gaudy) uniforms will be worn by Pence, and other Cabinet members as well as his family. The head of Joint Chiefs of Staff will inform the Commander in Chief that the uniforms were so costly that there was no money left over for the planned parade and this option suggests that all of these uniformed-besotted people form their own contingent and march straight over to Walter Reed Hospital and spend the day with real military personnel.
Option 3:

Inform the president that in a poll conducted by the military, only 7 people in America wanted a dictator-like, Banana-Republic-like parade designed for one person to grandly sit…Mussolini-like in a reviewing stand while every member of the military, duty-bound, marches by and salutes a man who used 5 BONE SPUR deferments to weasel out of real military service.
Option 4:

Have the parade Trump wants and invite the leaders of North Korea, Russia, China and every tin-horn South American, African and Asian dictator to attend and bring their biggest weapons, tallest soldiers and loudest marching bands.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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