Friday, October 27, 2023


A WikiTorial

WikiLeekZ wonders…Am I an Evil Killer? Aren’t We All? Or…?

Am I really a part of what is generally called ‘Humanity’?

Could I have taken part of the indiscriminate slaughter of Israeli’s and others on October 6th?

Could I have been a pilot releasing bombs and missiles onto innocent Palestinians?  

Could I have been the Hamas official who gave the order to shelter among the Gazan citizenry so as to be ‘protected’ by the lives of children and women?

Could I have been the politician who dictated that Israel cut off supplies of food, water and medicine to suffering ordinary Palestinians?

Could I be among the world leaders bereft of enough intelligence, empathy and humanity and are incapable of solving this decades-long story of death, destruction and hatred?

Sadly, the conclusion is yes, I am one of those who are a part of ‘Humanity’ and the truth is that in reality, this is what ‘Humanity’ is composed of. This is what being a human being means today as well as eons before.

Are you? Aren’t we all! What responsibility do I, do you bear as Human Beings?



Friday, October 13, 2023


A Solution, Finally?

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Why would WikiLeekZ have an answer to the Palestinian/Israeli ‘Problem’. In the best Swiftian manner, here’s a go at it.

It’s a seemingly intractable situation that has only one solution;  InterEverything.

90% intermarriage, 100% Inter-Gration in schools, hospitals, businesses, sports, and even worship services.

After 3 or 4 generations, kids won’t understand what the ‘Big Deal’ was all about and older Inter-Generational folks will have only dim memories of why they fought and died among themselves.

Sure, it seems like a crazy idea, but is that crazier than murdering babies and, in retaliation, killing babies from screaming jets?

For those die-hards who refuse to abide by the solution - and there will be plenty, there are two alternatives:

Put them separately out to pasture-literally. Inter(n) them on farms and ranches that are comfortable and well-guarded and ‘educational’ until they enter their separate versions of heaven. Any infants born on the farm would be taken to the InterGrated society.

Or, if they communally so wish, put them all together in a huge, escape-proof cage - immediately, and let them take out their anger and hatred against each other and be rid of them without allowing them to murder their brothers and sisters outside of the cage.  

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


trump depressed and Pissed Off At Hamas

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has it on good authority that trump is walking the halls of Mar-a -Lago in the middle of the night and railing at Hamas - shouting to anyone awake that Hamas is the straw that broke the camel’s back.

“I just can’t get a break” , trump frets – “as if the war in Ukraine, the earthquake in Afghanistan (which killed 2000 people), the Baseball Playoffs, McCarthy’s demise, the auto, Kaiser and Hollywood strikes and Taylor Swift wasn’t enough to topple me from the daily news cycle, Hamas had to go and  invade Israel just when my trials and fund raising were peaking”.

So what’s a depressed, fuming former president to do, WikiLeekZ asks? WikiLeekZ’s sources divulge trump’s plan to move the press off of those recent trivial matters. trump has decided that to turn the media’s attention away from Hamas et al and back to critical hourly coverage of trump, he’s going to engage in an illegal action - “the likes of which no one has ever seen”.

WikiLeekZ is Not the Newz, But May Be Someday