Thursday, July 25, 2019

Mueller Fails to Charge into Congress on a White Stallion

WikiLeekZ is Our name…Satire is Our Game

On the eve of the Civil War, Harvard professor, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote Paul Revere’s Ride in hopes that the poem would serve as a vehicle to warn the American Union that it was in danger of disintegrating (which it was).   

At midnight, April 18, 1775 Paul Revere swiftly rode to Concord on his steed to warn the colonists, including Sam Adams and John Hancock, that the British are coming!…the British are coming!

244 years later, on July 24, 2019, Robert Mueller sauntered into Congress carrying a 448 page Report warning Americans that the Russians are coming!…the Russians are coming! in 2020-Again. Just as they had in 2016

On that day in 1775, the colonists heard and heeded Revere’s call to action. On July 24, 2019, except for one Republican Congressman, Will Hurd, Mueller’s call to duty to defend America against the real Russian threat was not even noted by any of the remaining 25 Republicans on the Intelligence or Judiciary Committees.

WikiLeekZ asks…did Mueller missed his chance of alarming America by not charging up the steps of Congress and bursting into the hearing room astride a nostril-flaring, white stallion and flinging the 448 page report onto the Republican leader’s desk ?

Is that what we need now? Is that what trump hoped would not happen?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

trump Nominates self for Nobel Peace Prize...Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

“I don’t want to kill 10 million people. If I wanted to win that war, Afghanistan would be wiped off the face of the earth” -trump said on Monday. “It would be over in literally 10 days”

Afghan President Ashraf Ghana immediately asked for “clarification” on Tuesday “‘via diplomatic means and channels”

Of all of the amazing, incredible things trump has said in his lifetime, WikiLeekZ has decided to give him the WikiLeekZ Lifetime Achievement Award for the most stupid, inhumane, nihilistic statement ever made by an American, period.

WikiLeekZ does the math so that you don’t have to...

In Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the high-end estimate killed is about 200,000 Japanese men, women and children killed in those 2 raids. About 100,000 per Atomic bomb.

At that rate, 100 bombing raids would be needed to kill 10 million Afghani citizens...about a quarter of the entire population.

trump said he could do it in 10 days, that’s 10 bombing raids a day...and, according to trump, the war would be over.

WikiLeekZ wonders, just wonders...

Can trump get the Joint Chiefs to acquiesce?

If so, can the Air Force find pilots, crew and ground crews to work?

If the first strike happens, does Fox News agree with his war-ending tactic?

Does Mitch McConnell and the entire Republican Party just happen to be unavailable while on a fishing trip to remote Alaska?

Are there enough Port-a-Potties in WDC handle 10 million anti-bombing protestors?

Would there, could there possibly be any negative reaction from EVERYONE else in the WORLD?

Does trump have a change of heart, stop the bombing and petition for a Nobel Peace Prize to be awarded to himself for saving 9,900,000 lives; exclaiming that no one in history has ever saved that many lives.

Stay tuned as trump shoots for a World record.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Friday, July 19, 2019

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

AG Barr to Open Obama Birther Inquiry 

Attorney General William Barr was watching Fox News the other night and excitedly noted the fantastic reaction of the rabid crowd of North Carolinian trump fans fiercely chanting ‘Send Her Back’. Barr was actually foaming at the mouth. Thousands were chanting ‘Send Her Back’ after trump simply mentioned the name of US House of Representatives Congresswoman Ilhan Omar from Minnesota.

Hey, Barr thought to himself, trump has asked me to open investigations into all sorts of stupid things since I’ve come on board. The DOJ will be stretched thin with all of these inquiries especially as trump has asked be to pull out all the stops with this Omar/brother marriage craziness… we’ll just pull some staff from the Russian interference-in-our-election investigations.

I could really gain some Brownie Points from the President if I were to open up another fake investigation into President Obama’s birthplace. We’d be sure to draw huge press coverage simply by announcing it and trump’s supporters will all learn about the investigation and be revved up and ready to shout ‘Send Him Back’.

We all know that Mr Obama was actually born in the United States, but that really doesn’t make any difference at all. It will be majestic watching 10,000 rabid trump-supporting Americans chanting ‘Send Him Back’ as trump simply mentions the word Obama. All of the TV coverage and ink used to write about it would be fabulous for the trump brand…and, a feather in my cap. Fox News will love it!

I’ll just have to write another memo suggesting the investigation to trump. It worked last year…I got my job. trump will love it, I’ll just have to remind him that it was his idea originally.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Thursday, July 18, 2019

WikiLeekZ has Heard Many People Say That trump is Gay
WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game
Yesterday, Emerald Robinson, a reporter from the right-wing American One Network, asked trump “if the administration was looking into possible immigration fraud committed by Ilhan Omar for possibly marrying her brother.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    “Well, there’s a lot of talk about the fact that she was married to her brother. I know nothing about it,” trump said.                                                                                                                                           “I hear she was married to her brother. You’re asking me a question about it. I don’t know, but I’m sure there’s somebody who will be looking at that,” trump added.
WikiLeekZ keeps hearing that trump is going to choose Sarah Palin as his VP in 2020. WikiLeekZ knows very little about it, doesn’t believe it,  but will look in to it.
WikiLeekZ has heard, but doesn’t know anything about it, that trump is gay and never actually has had sex with a woman… not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Also, one night, the best people…very good people, white people, tell WikiLeekZ… that in his drunken, besotted youth, trump impregnated his sister who later had an abortion. Many people say that trump told friends that it was an okay thing because they were in the south- (in the south Bronx).
WikiLeekZ keeps hearing but really doesn’t know anything about it, but people are saying, a lot of people, rich people, that if re-elected, trump will choose David Duke to head the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department.
 Many people are saying, WikiLeekZ doesn’t know if it’s true, but someone should look into the fact that in order to get the big dollar payoff from Saudi Arabia, trump and his entire family are converting to Islam.
Many other people, and there are many, are telling WikiLeekZ that trump will become a member of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to qualify to receive the only remaining copy of the pee pee tapes and huge sums of money that Putin promised trump. WikiLeekZ doesn’t know if it’s true…but who knows? It could be true, right?                                                                                                                                                                    WikiLeekZ has heard many people say that trump wasn’t born in America but in Germany; and, his father was a GI stationed there. WikiLeekZ knows that it doesn’t make any sense at all, but that’s what WikiLeekZ has read on some website, somewhere. 
WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

YES, ‘This IS who we are’.

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

In the last few days, after trump’s ‘go back home’ ravings, WikiLeekZ has heard and read all manner of people who opine that ‘This is not who we are’ or ‘We’re better than this’.

WikiLeekZ has come to the sad conclusion that YES, This IS who we are.   We’re a nation where 30-40% percent of Americans seem to be complicit with a vile, racist president. It’s troubling that so many of my ‘Fellow Americans’ seem hold these ideals so closely in their hearts.

It just is no longer acceptable that a trump supporter/voter can say that she/he supports trump because of his tax cuts or deregulation of industry or whatever…that’s the reason I support him- but I am not a racist myself.

The truth is that if you now agree with and plan to vote for trump, you do agree with him and hold all of his horrible, racist beliefs in your mind and heart as he does… in his troubled mind. That’s the simple reality. That’s the simple truth. You are complicit. You are enabling.

WikiLeekZ has run out of patience with so-called Evangelical Christians who support trump. Without a doubt, trump is the most un Christ-like president in our nations’ history. Enough of this pious, holier-than-thou ersatz Christianity- smugly parading around, hiding behind your Bible containing only blank pages.  

30-40%!  As of the 2010 census, there were 74.2 million Americans 18 years or older. That means that there are between 22 and 29 million Americans who evidently believe and subscribe to this divisive, deleterious hatred spewing forth from the deranged mind of our president.

It’s quite enough to have to live and deal with this narcissistic president. It’s evident now that within our borders there are between 22-29 million other like-minded individuals.

WikiLeekZ, again, calls for the South to secede and welcome those lost souls. After that, we will all have friends and relatives in a nearby foreign country to visit every once in a while. Instead of a divided nation, we’ll have 2 countries, each united in their heartfelt beliefs and most likely, each much happier.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Monday, July 15, 2019

WikiLeekZ asks republicans…*”Have you no sense of Decency”?  Have You No Shame?

“go back and help fix the totally broken and crime-infested places from which they came”. – trump tweeted yesterday in regard to ‘The Squad’ … 4 Democratic Congresswomen.

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ  has yet to hear one single Republican or trump-enabler criticizing trump for the vile, racist remarks he made yesterday.  Put aside the inaccurate (lying) statements; trump continues spouting the same racist, nativist, disgusting Un-American dribble that has been the one unfailing hallmark of his public life.

Granted, trump’s statements about ‘going back where you came from’ - echoing what generations of mean-spirited, no-nothing, xenophobic and bigoted Americans have been shouting are despicable and unworthy of any office-holder, let alone the president.

That’s who he is, has been and will always be, but what really is appalling to WikiLeekZ  is the complete silence of the republican Party. They have unashamedly acquiesced to yet another almost unbelievable trump statement.

WikiLeekZ asks republicans throughout America… what Joseph Welch so powerfully stated…*”Have you no sense of Decency”? Have You No Shame? You all disgrace the party of Lincoln and all for which he stood and for what is good and decent about America and most Americans.

WikiLeekZ asks in all sincerity…what will it take for republicans and trump-enablers to stand up to this infantile, poisonous, vile man?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

 *Joseph Welch to Senator Jos McCarthy at a session of the Army-McCarthy Hearings on June 9, 1954,

Friday, July 12, 2019

Kristallnacht to be Revisited?  trump  Round Up  of Latinos on Sunday

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Immigration and Customs Enforcement  (ICE) will launch an effort to round up thousands of undocumented migrants across the country on Sunday as part of the Trump administration’s crackdown on illegal immigration, according to three administration officials.- Wall Street Journal

WikiLeekZ needs to remind us of the Nazi’s 1938 infamous Kristallnacht. In this updated version …'Los Dias de los Puertos Rotos', trump seeks to further inflame a broken immigration policy and mollify his base as he refuses to address the border crisis in any rational, humane manner.

Trump considers sponsoring contest for ‘badge designs’ in Border Camps

trump and his Himmler-like sidekick, Stephen Miller, have already created the trumpian version of Nazi concentration camps on the US-Mexico border as they have caused thousands of refugees fleeing violence and poverty to be ‘detained’ in abominable conditions. trump now, wants to further demonize,  humiliate and identify the incarcerated men, women and children.

The wretched conditions continue enabled by trump/Miller just as in Germany in the 1940’s where…

“The mass of ordinary Germans did know about the evolving terror of Hitler's Holocaust, according to a new research study. They knew concentration camps were full of Jewish people who were stigmatised as sub-human and race-defilers”... -   The Guardian Feb 16   2001

We, in America, also do know about what’s happening. When and how will it change?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Wednesday, July 10, 2019


WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Oh, great! One more crazy trump cabinet post appointment, Alex Acosta, Labor Secretary, is skating on thin ice. How many bad, stupid, incompetent, avaricious appointees does that make? Why in the hell was he ever nominated in the first place and then, why was he confirmed by the Senate- including 5 *Democratic Senators and all of the Republicans?

Acosta was the US Attorney in Miami when he gave Jeffery Epstein, a billionaire child molester/ sex trafficker a sweetheart deal for his horrendous crimes. Epstein had **friends in high places and we can only assume that that fact led Acosta to providing a lifeline to this vile, disgusting man.

Acosta evidentially parlayed that play into becoming trump’s Labor Secretary where he tried to cut a program by nearly 80 percent inside the Department of Labor dedicated to combating human trafficking, along with child and forced labor, internationally. And two months later, he would return to Congress to advocate for a second budget to cut the program just as deeply.

Honestly, what kind of public servants do we have? Don’t answer…that’s a rhetorical question but one that must be considered when we choose our public officials. These people don’t deserve a second chance and must be shamed for the harm that they have wrought.

Acosta will resign soon, WikiLeekZ is certain… to return ignominiously, to private life, eternally paired with Epstein and all that is wrong with so many in positions of power and influence.  

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But may Be Someday

*Manchin, Menendez, Tester, Warner and Cortez-Masto
** Bill Clinton, trump, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, et al

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

trump Has (almost) No One to Deal With; Must Drink Alone

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Non-exclusive from WikiLeekZ… trump further isolates himself from…well, (almost) everyone in the world.  trump tweeted that he would no longer deal” with Kim Darroch, the British Ambassador to the United States.

In a leaked confidential diplomatic cable, Darroch described the Trump administration as “clumsy and inept” and labelled the White house as a “uniquely dysfunctional environment. There is no filter and wrote that “trump was inept, insecure and "incompetent."

Okay, WikiLeekZ grants the words were rather raw in describing the ‘leader of the free world’…but WikiLeekZ challenges anyone to name one country that hasn’t come to that off-the-record official conclusion years ago.

Or, how about coming up with a name of one Republican official or office holder who hasn’t thought exactly the same thing of trump but was too cowardly to say it in public.

And, except for Russia, N Korea, Saudi Arabia and a few other like-minded authoritarian countries and their leaders, the challenge is to name one country or international treaty that trump hasn’t insulted publicly in similar or worse terms.

Or, try to figure out who in America, other than his family, Tucker Carlson or Hannity trump has not insulted or threatened in far more vile and dangerous terms…that’s another challenge. Of course, that list includes his former cabinet members, Senators and Congressmen the intelligence community, judges, athletes, etc ad nauseum.

One can only imagine image what he and his sycophantic band of merry men say when they think no one is listening.

So, except for a very few, who is left for trump to communicate with?

No one that WikiLeekZ would care to share a beer with, as they say. 
WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But may Be Someday

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Trump is Schooled by Worlds’ Dictators
WikiLeekZ id Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Trump witnessed the Bastille Day Parade with Macron and decided that’s what he needed to burnish his legacy (and campaign) on July 4th in Washington DC Image result for macron  and trump military parade  photos.

French Bastille day Parade complete with marching bands.

Image result for china military parade photosChina Military parade.
However, since he required some schooling for more militaristic parade versions, trump went to the G20 meeting and received a first hand tutorial from China’s leader about how to conduct a ‘real’ parade…and without marching bands.
Image result for russia  military parade  photosAt the G20, trump also was schooled by V Putin about how a ‘real’ parade should be mounted and gave trump verbal instructions as well as visual aids to help our leader conduct a parade that would be the envy of dictators world-wide.
Russian Military parade

North Korea military parade
Image result for n korea  military parade  photosStill, trump was not satisfied and went to N Korea for some tips from Kim whose family has been staging military parades for decades and is considered by many dictators as the only real military parade family extant. Kim also dipped into his invaluable collection of cherished historic figures and gifted an appreciative trump a few.   
Image result for mussolini military parade photosMussolini & Hitler reviewing parade

    Image result for hitler  military parade  photosNazi military parade

For the first time in memory, trump took notes on his briefings and tucked the visual aids into his suitcase with the promise to Ivanka that he would put on a 4th of July parade to be the envy of dictators in every corner of the globe.
WikiLeekZ is NOT the News, But May Be Someday