Tuesday, January 17, 2023


trump no Longer # One - Whines Unfair & Fake,

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Former president Donald trump is no longer in the Number One position of being the only president who has sequestered (or stolen) US government classified documents.

In his quest to take over the number one position, President Joe Biden has enlisted a small army of his lawyers in search of any classified documents he may have taken and kept during his long history of public service as a Senator, VP or President.

In the meantime, trump is calling ‘Foul’ because, as he states, ‘Sleepy Joe has been in public service for decades while I had only four years to take my classified documents and hide them. It’s not fair!’

‘Anyway’, trump continued, ‘I’ll bet I have more super-secret, classified, ‘eyes only’ documents squirreled away in my various golf club locker rooms than Biden has ever seen’.

‘What I’m really worried about is that Hilliary and Bill may have a treasure chest of photos and docs that will make my stealing of national secrets look pretty paltry. They’ll probably knock Biden into third place’.

‘Just think’, trumped mused, ‘what I could have done if I had been a Congressman, VP, President, Ambassador to the UN and de facto Ambassador to China like George HW Bush was. I could have filled warehouses with secret documents and made millions.

 WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday