Sunday, December 17, 2017

Trump White House Bans Evidence-based, Vulnerable, transgender fetus…

WikiLeekZ has learned, that according to the Washington Post, the Trump Administration has banned the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the use of certain words in budget documents. Among the banned words are: "diversity," "fetus," "transgender," "vulnerable," "entitlement," "science-based" and "evidence-based."

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has also obtained orders that will be sent to Cabinet level departments and agencies that bans the use of the following words and phrases…

Defense Department-   peace, whistleblower, transgender,
CIA                  intelligence, truth, Russia, golden showers, Steele Dossier
State Dept-   Russia, Ukraine, Putin, negotiation, expert, experienced, Merkel  
Agriculture    Monsanto, GMO, agribusiness
Education     hi scool, giografy, tex bookz,
Housing         rats, slumlords, broken, fairness
D O J              Russia, pardon, Mueller, taxes, Flynn, Manafort, Trump
EPA                Paris, clean air, clean water, wind, solar, earth, climate change

When WikiLeekZ questioned Sarah H Sanders at the Daily Press Briefing about these words, she replied…”this is just the beginning, we have 100’s of people working day and night on this and are reviewing Orwell’s 1984

Or…was that what Mnunchin said last week?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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