Saturday, November 7, 2020


It’s Over, Right! Or, is It Just at the Beginning?

A brighter future for us all or will trump plunge America into a dangerous darkness?

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Early this morning, WikiLeekZ began to feel relieved, pretty good actually as Biden forged ahead of trump in both Georgia and Pennsylvania.

And then, I read what trump, Jr recently tweeted...that his dad should “go to total war over the election...”.

Then, I read Steve Brannon’s statement that if trump is re elected, he “should take a cue from Tudor England and put the heads of Fauci and Wray on pikes at the White House as a warning to bureaucrats”


Then I remembered the traitorous words of trump on election night and his shocking words yesterday. they're trying to steal an election, they're trying to rig an election, tallies have been whittled down” and many more lies and false statements.

Then, I looked for statements by top Republican leaders refuting trump’s words which were like  daggers struck into the heart of American democracy and could find very few top Republican  office holders who were even tepidly pushing back on those false, unbelievably dangerous  statements by Donald trump.

trump’s words should serve as a loud, blinking red light to the American institutions such as the Supreme Court and military leadership causing them to think about our democracy and how to defend and save it against a venal, infantile, dangerous and cowardly president.

It’s time for Republican leaders to look to the long arc of history, not just their next election and intervene with trump to guarantee a peaceful transfer of power. However, WikiLeekZ doesn’t have any hope whatsoever of them acquiring the courage to do so.

Here’s the Deal-

We are not all participants in or onlookers of an hour-long TV reality show hosted by trump and scheduled start anew the next week. This is real life and death, not a dress rehearsal or an audition.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday



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