Tuesday, July 5, 2022


300 mass shootings so far in 2022…Adversarial Powers Apprehensive

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

An ironic twist to ‘America the Beautiful Violent’ occurred this week when four unidentified world military powers  announced in a joint statement that after much consideration, they would no longer continue their War Games scenarios consisting of an invasion of the United States. The announcement read, in part…

‘Given the inconceivable violence Americans are perpetrating on their own people, we have come to the ultimate conclusion that it would be pure suicidal folly to invade the USA, a country with so many absurdly bloodthirsty individuals.

In reaching this conclusion, we considered many factors including: the over 300 mass shootings having occurred in the USA so far in 2022; more than 400 million weapons including military-grade arms are cached in private homes within the borders of this so-called peaceful democracy and, if Americans are so adept and willing to murder their fellow citizens, think about the havoc this vicious well-armed militia  would inflict on invading foreign forces!

Our conclusion is that we are better off invading small, helpless nations and leave the United States to self-destruct in an ongoing orgy of atrocious violence against one another.

In a matter of years, infrastructure, skyscrapers, houses, farmland, parks and luxury vehicles will remain relatively untouched whereas the populace will have been reduced itself to a relatively few fortified outposts of ultra-armed individuals who we can destroy in mere seconds with cruise missiles launched from a safe distance.’

That's a good thing, right?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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