Friday, December 23, 2022

 putin Rejects his Orwellian Language.

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

After more than ten (10) months of brutal fighting, killing, raping of civilians and the bombing of hospitals, schools and churches during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir putin finally rejected his Orwellian language.

During those 10 months of inhumane, ruthless war visited upon Ukraine, putin had called his invasion of Ukraine a ‘SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION’.

Yesterday he finally admitted that what he had ordered and waged was WAR and not a ‘SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION’.

Putin came to this conclusion after enrolling in a Zoom history class entitled ‘What is WAR and What is a ‘SPECIAL MILITARY OPERATION’’?

After more than ten months of intense study and personal reflection, putin came to the conclusion that for these past ten months, Russia, under his direction, has been, in act and deed, waging WAR against Ukraine.

In his Zoom class, putin learned that Clausewitz cogently defines war as a rational instrument of foreign policy: “an act of violence intended to compel our opponent to fulfill our will”.

 What a revelation…it was if a light bulb was turned on in my brain” putin exclaimed!

Now, he told his senior military officers, “I will unleash the ‘dogs of war’ against Ukraine and its people, infrastructure and culture”

“But sir”, the Army Chief of Staff responded, “we’ve thrown everything we have against the Ukrainian people, infrastructure and culture and we still can’t defeat them”.

“I have three ideas that will solve this problem”, putin exclaimed-

Firstly, Declare War on Ukraine…that will surely scare them into submission because now we’re at war and not engaging in a ‘Special Military Operation”

“Secondly, release the tens of thousands of Russians who were jailed because they had publicly declared that we were actually at war. Provide them with a uniform and a rifle and ship them off to Ukraine. THEY knew we were at WAR months ago and because of their understanding are best suited to actually be fighting a war”.

“Thirdly, throw the kitchen sink at them…if you catch my drift”.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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