Sunday, May 7, 2023


A WikiTorial

You Might Think That These Are the Six Most Dangerous Letters in the American Alphabet… KILLED   or perhaps  MURDER

But, You Would Be Wrong-They Are … NRA   GOP

You might think that America is a civilized nation of kind, generous, loving people who value human life and ‘Christian’ tenets above all else.

And, you might think that the atrocities committed by Russia in invading and slaughtering Ukrainian civilians including women, children and the elderly is the most heinous, atrocious action imaginable.

But You Would Be Wrong.         

Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, approximately 8500 Ukrainian civilians have been senselessly slaughtered by Russia but in 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available, there were 20,958 senseless murders in the U.S., according to the CDC!

You might think that Yemen, which has been in a civil war since 2014, would have the highest gun ownership in the world with 82 guns for every 100 people.

But You Would Be Wrong

Yemen is only in second place

American is #1 (hooray!) with 124 guns for every 100 American citizens!

You might think that murders per capita in the US is evenly distributed

But You Would Be Wrong

The Red State South, bastion of GOP strength, leads in murders per capita. Out of the top 11 ‘murder’ states, the South leads with 8 including the top 7; 2 border states-MO and MD; and IL and NM are in 10th and 11th places.

So, what does WikiLeekZ conclude?

The desire for power and greed for money by the NRA and its handmaiden, the GOP have been working hand in glove for decades to supply America with as many guns as possible without any regard whatsoever for human life and grievous suffering.

In the long history of America, there has never been a more sinister, uncaring and callous marriage of two forces so indifferent to the safety and well-being of average, everyday Americans?

Because of the NRA and GOP, America has become the most UNcivilized country in the world today. Every week now, newspaper headlines scream and television announcers glumly report on the latest mass murder.

Americans are almost becoming immune to the weekly toll of children with body parts scattered across their class rooms, innocent shoppers lying lifeless on the pavement covered in blood and theatre patrons fleeing in panic only to succumb to automatic rifle fire.

We have become numb as we watch interviews with hysterical, grieving families as they try to comprehend why their child, father or wife will no longer be a part of their life.

You Would Be Wrong if You Thought There is Nothing to be Done.

There’s an election in 2024. If you want to continue watching and reading about and perhaps be one of the victims, continue voting for the godless, hypocritical enablers of the GOP. Or, don’t vote out of disgust with our representatives.

But, IF you want to see a change in the murder statistics in the US, vote the lapdogs of the NRA out of office regardless of any other political calculation.

Make America Safe Again!




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