Friday, May 7, 2021

 The Scaredy-Cat Republicans

WikiLeekZ is Our Name, Satire is Our Game

Another frightened, sissy Republican-controlled toss-up state passed a bill today limiting voter rights and making it much more difficult to vote. Can you believe that Florida Republicans are afraid of the elderly and the youth voters of Florida? Afraid that they may cast their votes for the candidates and party which is actually trying to make their lives better. It’s astounding to WikiLeekZ that such loud, bellowing, Second Amendment-misinterpreting Fat Cat politicians are still blindly following a corpulent, mean bully as their Der Fuhrer Dear Leader.

Like the Florida Scaredy-Cats, other Republican-controlled states across this beautiful country are wimping out, terrified of people of color actually engaging in their democratic right to vote. The cowards in these states have crafted more than 200 bills limiting citizens’ ability to vote which are now in various legislative stages.

These Fraidy-Cats are so petrified they will lose elections - that instead of passing legislation to benefit all Americans and gain votes, they have devised a Machiavellian plan to make it even more difficult for a large segment of society to exercise their right to vote. 

Except for a few Tom Cats, the Republican Party is now composed wholly of petrified Scardey-Cats pawing through their litter boxes hoping to dig up the disastrous piece of orange crap to help save their jobs and power.

They need someone to come and clean up their litter boxes.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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