Friday, May 28, 2021

 Senate Calls for a Vote on Existence of Sun

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

In the wake of Senate republicans rejecting the formation of a January 6 Commission, Democrats hope to establish at least one commonly held American belief.

In order to bring a modicum of reality to American discourse, Democrats are sponsoring a bill

confirming the existence of our ‘Solar System’s’ Sun. To be certain that all republicans understand which ‘Sun’ the bill refers to, the bill describes the Sun as ‘That large orb 93 million miles from Earth that rises in the morning and sets at night’

Further describing the ‘Sun’...’it’s the reason we have sunscreen and wear sunglasses’.

If there is still confusion on the part of republican Senators the bill says ‘it’s that hot yellow thing in the sky’.

Pundits believe that VP Harris will have to cast the deciding vote assuring Americans that the Sun does in fact exist. Long-time Senate watchers cannot find one republican Senator who has the scientific training to verify the existence of the Sun. To date, all republican Senators have issued ‘no comment’ statements when asked if they believe the Sun exists.

Some Senators have floated the idea that Antifa is responsible for holding a big yellow balloon over America...posing as the Sun and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky told the Senate that he read somewhere on the internet that Galileo had been proven wrong.

The irony is not lost on 70% of US citizens that however republicans vote, the Sun will rise tomorrow morning.

A vote on the existence of the Moon is scheduled for next week.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday



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