Thursday, August 5, 2021


WikiLeekZ meets the Twilight Zone

WikiLeekZ is Our Name, Satire is Our Game

*“You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!

A scouting party of a deadly virus from an unknown source descended upon the earth in late 2019. Some called it the Corona virus, others Covid. Many scoffed and went about their lives as if nothing had happened; some leaders sneered and tried to ‘happy talk’ it away.

The virus sent its tentacles spreading all over the globe, probing for weaknesses and attacking the inhabitants of our planet. When, after a year, defenses were mounted in the form of shots and jabs offering the possibility of eradicating the now numerous scouting parties turned killing machines, Covid summoned up an arsenal of, as yet unheard of, weapons in the hand to hand combat.

First it was the UK variant, then the South African variant and later, realizing more firepower was needed, Covid unleashed the Delta variant. Despite multiple warnings from authorities to its citizens to arm themselves with masks and vaccines, almost half the US population did not heed the warnings.  The Delta variant attacked unarmored earthlings with a vengeance not seen since the Dark Days of refrigerated truck morgues in NYC and funeral pyres in Calcutta choking people with the stench of burning flesh.

Despite these macabre scenes and real-life agony in Red States such as Missouri, Florida and Texas, smug, insatiable, power-hungry officials with Beelzebub-like ignorance did all in their power to accommodate and assist the Delta Force virus in their mass slaughter. They ordered that mask-wearing, the first line of resistance against Delta and its cohorts, not be mandated and that gatherings, small and large-indoors and outside continue as if there were not a care in the world.

Covid and its mutants wondered if this was some kind of a clever trick, a ruse or a trap to defeat them…never imagining that this ‘cleverness’ was simply arrogance and ignorance. This arrogance, Covid soon realized, would certainly result in their ability to sustain the attack and continue spreading their death and destruction throughout the land and give them time for the most important weapons in their arsenal to arrive in a landing party composed of variants a thousand times more powerful; variants which would blast their way through any current defenses Pfizer and Moderna could possibly mount.

After years of waging battles to make the ignorant understand and listen to science and millions upon millions of earthlings killed, Covid seemed to finally be defeated by the surviving medical labs and research facilities and the developed vaccines people willingly took.

Not all of the ignorant leaders succumbed.

**“He's alive so long as these evils exist. Remember that when he comes to your town. Remember it when you hear his voice speaking out through others.”

WikiLeekZ is not the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

*The Twilight Zone Opening Words

** The Twilight Zone Ending Words














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