Friday, November 9, 2018

Yesterday, Just Another, Ordinary Day in the New Normal America

Yesterday, after a truly historic election day that saw both Democratic and Republican victories and defeats; and in the end, Democratic control of the House guaranteed that 2 years of fierce rhetoric and investigations will take place. In an ordinary time, that would be the big story of the day or even the month.

Yesterday morning, President Trump held a long, contentious, wild and crazy press conference that, in ordinary, past times, would be the big story of the day or perhaps the next few days.

Just an hour later, Trump fired Jeff Sessions, his AG, and in an normal times, that would be the big story of the day or week.

And, then, on the same day at 11 pm at night, word broke that a gunman killed 12 college-age people and wounded many others in Thousand Oaks. In normal times, years ago, that story would have been the big news of the day and indeed, for a much, much longer time.

Just Another, Ordinary day in the American Paradise!

We need elections, we’re stuck with President Trump for 2 more years…BUT, we can do something about the constant mass shootings that, long ago, have become too normal and ordinary. Laws can be passed and enforced

I’m telling you, America cannot survive these endless, senseless killings that stab us in our human hearts and wrench our emotions when, at the same time, we must deal with a delusional, narcissistic, dangerous, authoritarian leader.

Pretty soon we won’t need any gun control laws because everyone will be dead.

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