Friday, November 2, 2018


For many years, I have lived my life evangelizing the importance of 2 words...WORDS MATTER

I believe that what one says or writes should be listened to and taken into account when the measure of a person is taken

That rule applies to everyone, even a president.

The corollary is WORDS HAVE MEANING and the meanings are pretty much immutable. We don’t get to rewrite the dictionary on a daily or hourly basis to suit our momentary situation. English is a language that does change and evolve but it’s not a momentarily situational language.

The English language has been spoken and written and altered and changed throughout the centuries by common usage, new technologies and discoveries and the merging with other languages. One person alone does not get to change the meaning of words by fiat or because of the way he is feeling or thinking early one morning.

WORDS MATTER and they don’t disappear and change meaning because the tweeter or speaker has decided that he really didn’t mean his words ‘that way’ or a spokesperson tells us that he was just joking.

Trump has weaponized words. He throws them out like exploding emotional bombs to his adoring, foaming-at-mouth followers at his Nuremburg-like, neo- fascist pep rallies disguised as campaigning..

These very same words are fired off as if they are heat-seeking missiles at immigrants, the legitimate news media and others with whom he disagrees.

His words are like stinger-launched attacks, hurling invectives, insults and violence at his perceived enemies, those less fortunate and minorities. Then he and his enablers...including those who still back him, attempt to justify or interpret his words in an entirely different way to make them seem to be something different, something more palatable, more acceptable.

The next day or next minute, after this weaponized verbal crazy-making, Trump again repeats these same invectives, totally oblivious that Words Matter or worse, realizing that his hateful words do matter to his adoring mob.

His quiver of poisonously, hate-tipped word arrows is constantly renewed by his greedy or ignorant sycophants and when these words strike their intended targets with barbs of ignorance, threats and bigotry, this ignorant, power-first tribe of Republican office holders turn their backs and remain silent or state that they wouldn’t have used those exact same arrows.

Words Matter.

There are Words in the Constitution and there are Words on ballots this coming Tuesday. Make Your Words Count!


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