Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Trump Gets Advance Copy of Montreal Mental Test

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ learned that President Trump received an advance copy of the Montreal test recently administered to him.

In a Watergate-style operation, 2 Cabinet secretaries, who requested anonymity, conducted a midnight raid into the NIH and left with a test copy that was left ‘inadvertently’ on the desk of Dr Ronny Jackson.

Since the caper took place 2 weeks before Trump’s exam, he had plenty of time to study up on the questions. A high-powered intellectual team composed of Betsy DeVoss, Roy Moore and Sarah Sanders tutored the president. They were sworn to silence and made to sign a non-disclosure contract, almost exactly like the one written for and signed by Stormy Daniels.

The recent ‘Executive Time’ listed on Trump’s s schedule was actually his test prep time...3 hours a day for almost 2 weeks. WikiLeekZ has discovered that Trump make great strides-going from a test score of -14 to a high of +7 on the Montreal test…out of a possible 30 points.

The NSA was called in to improve test scores and devised a strategy. They loaded all of the questions and answers on to ‘Notes’ on Trump’s iPhone (which, for security reasons, he was allowed to have at all times). Trump, on the pretense of national security, consulted his phone before answering every question except the one identifying a lion, camel and rhino...he was very proud of those 3 correct answers.

So, after all, we do have a ‘stable genius’ as president and we can all rest easy.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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