Thursday, May 28, 2020

trump Marks 100,000 American Deaths by…SILENCE

A WikiTorial

Well, we all knew that at some point we’d reach 100,000 Deaths sooner or later, didn’t we? There’s more than enough sorrow to make all Americans cry out loud in unison…”why has this happened”?

We really didn’t expect to witness trump address the nation with empathy for the 100,000 perished citizens and more grieving families and friends, did we? He’s incapable of caring and utterly devoid of any human compassion.

We need to see heads roll at the very highest levels of Federal and some state governments as well as at many of our health agencies. There’s enough criminal malfeasance to fill prisons and jails across the country with incompetent, self-serving, stupid, vile officials.

Are we such a weak, frightened country with so little moral strength that we do not know right from wrong and cannot speak our truth to power?

Yes, we have a few recent examples of brave men and women speaking out, but they’re soon fired and then pretty much remain quiet and out of sight as the death toll rises every day. Where is the outrage? Where are the demonstrations? Where are the resolute high government officials who actually have the power to investigate the HHS and CDC and yes, the WH?

Is it that we’re too timid to confront the causes of the deaths of our family and friends or are we grieving and mourning too much to take up the pen, our keyboards or go to the streets to confront those in charge of the health and safety of our fellow citizens?

By any measure, despite their drumbeat of self-aggrandizing, batshit stupid talk, our leaders have failed the country miserably and must be held responsible- and right away. We can’t wait until November to effect a change in policy or leadership. We must demand compassion, competency, science, truth and a Manhattan project-style call to action. Otherwise, at the present rate another 100,000 Americans will be stone cold dead by November.

Who knows what will happen in November anyway? I don’t, you don’t, no one knows for certain. If trump is re-elected we can certainly expect more of the same self-congratulatory, outright lying…then what?

If he loses, don’t you think there’ll be a prolonged period of civil disorder or even anarchy while the death toll continues to mount?

If he loses so convincingly that he cannot contest the results, he will be the president for more than 2 long months while our people are dying because with the Republican Senate, there will be no economic and medical relief. And, for a reprehensible reason; trump and his spineless, unpatriotic sycophants in the Senate will want to be able to point to the ineptitude and failure of the new Democratic administration as the death toll climbs. 

Call, write, protest, talk, debate, argue and shout. We can’t mark this 100,000 with SILENCE!

Zeny       May 28, 2020

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