Saturday, May 30, 2020

“When the Looting Starts, the Shooting Starts” - trump 

A WikiTorial

That declaration by trump made WikiLeekZ think about real looting in America.

WikiLeekZ wonders…When DID looting start in America?

Was it when the colonists settled on land that had been occupied for many thousands of years by Native Americans?

Or did the looting begin when Southern plantation owners brought and exploited slaves to do their work in the fields, businesses and homes? Slave owners stole their lives, robbed them of humanity and looted their abilities and labor for centuries.  

Was Manifest Destiny - the western expansion and the theft of Native American territory the first looting in America?

Did looting start with the slaughter of American Bison herds which were a cornerstone of Native survival?

Or was it the stealing of resources of minerals, timber and grazing lands and the genocide of Indigenous Peoples?

Perhaps the first real looters in America were the Robber barons of the 19th and 20th Centuries?
Did looting in America begin when African Americans were consistently and officially robbed of an equal education, housing and the right to vote?

Or did the looting of America begin more recently when, in the early 2000’s, Greedy Wall Street criminals and other crooks raked in billions of dollars from their fellow citizens and causing the economy to crash and resulting in zero robbers going to jail?

WikiLeekZ reminds us all that these despicable historic events and many, many others, mostly sanctioned by our laws, religious groups and the citizenry, are real example of looting.

How many, WikiLeekZ asks America, of these honest-to-god looters were shot and killed by a militia, the army, the National Guard or police officers?

WikiLeekZ also asks, how many black and brown people have been lynched, raped and  murdered by our so-called civil society for no reason at all; and more recently, how many  looters of a pair of sneakers or a flat screen TV will be murdered because…

 “when the looting starts, the shooting starts”?

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