Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Pardon trump
WikiLeekZ Wonders
Why does an anti-science, unschooled, self-absorbed trump get to decide…all by his little self how many deaths will be recorded in America, and by extension, the world?

How has this country come to the point of allowing one ignorant, selfish person to determine the future of America?

Why are in we in a situation where an unknowing, lying, whining, braggadocio trump makes life and death decisions every day and seemingly, nothing can stop him as long as Mitch McConnell and his acolyte Senators continue to snivel, bow and scrape in the presence of their Dear Leader?

Right now, over 70,000-seventy thousand-70K of our once vibrant, caring, loving mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, wives, husbands, friends, children, nieces, nephews are no longer with us. There is no end in sight except further sirens in the night, the stacking up of body bags, burials without the dignity of friends and families at the internment ceremonies and lonely, agonizing deaths in hospital beds without familial comfort.

Where is the testing, where was the planning, where is the leadership...where is the concern, the caring and the empathy from the top? How many more deaths can we take?

Why must we tolerate such a mindless, oaf occupying the highest office? Why do we allow someone as incurious and uninterested in learning who only believes what his obsequious underlings, anxious for a passing nod, tell him what they learned last night from some snake oil salesman on TV who is even more outrageous than their Dear Leader?

What in the world is happening when our president gets his information from Fox News or his new best science teacher- One America News Network?

Why don’t the few actual scientists who only serve as props for his actions rise up, resign and go full tilt to tell America what an outrageous, deceitful man is deciding the fate of our country?

And what of his Cabinet and the 25th Amendment. Is this collection of feckless, greedy people going to continue kissing his ass in public and not say anything? What of the dozens...maybe more of former high officials? Doesn’t even one of them possess the intelligence and even the little bit of courage to tell us that the emperor has no clothes and Never has?

We, yes, we citizens will be judged by our children, grand kids and history - as we have so smugly judged the citizens of Nazi Germany who were too knowingly uninformed, timid or greedy to question another Der Fuhrer almost a hundred years ago.

When will we reach our breaking point and stand up and shout ‘enough’?

Will it be at 90,000 or perhaps 134,000. Or shall we all wait, huddled in our homes for the death toll to reach 175,000 or perhaps 200,000 as we listen to Dear Leader and vacuous Jared pontificate as to how well they are doing? They’re channeling George Orwell’s 1984 and aren’t even smart enough to know it.

He’s already said that many people say he saved lives because it could have been a million of us. But, we’re still counting and many who are reading this today will be just one of those numbers...nothing more.

Perhaps #82,567 or #96,332 or #136,874. What will our #’s be?

What is wrong with our country where 40% of us believe this shit he continues to peddle and all, seemingly, without a scintilla of shame!

A thought. He’s doing what he’s doing because he thinks it will help him win the next election so that he doesn’t have to face trial after trial in 2021. Let the Congress, Supreme Curt and Biden give him a complete pardon in advance so that he can leave office asap and not wreak any more havoc on America. The pardon will not extend beyond him…and he won’t give a damn; won’t bother him at all.

Yes, it’s come to this. He’s not worth one more death from the plague.

This Is the NEWZ, We Don’t Have to Wait til Someday

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