Monday, July 13, 2020

To Slay or Not to Slay the Dragon

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

What if there were a countless number of hungry, gigantic, dragon-like invisible creatures running loose in some foreign country?

What if these malevolent animals preyed upon the lungs and hearts of all human beings, young and old in that country?

What if, within the space of a few months these foul creatures had devoured more than 130,000 women, children and men to slake their hunger to survive and wounded thousands more citizens?

What if the leader of this far away country had it within his power to keep these vile creatures in check by ordering weapons made to fight these beasts?

What if this leader refused to organize such a defense but

What if, instead, he lied and gave false and misleading information to his subjects leading to the horror of thousands more unnecessary deaths and suffering and

What if a simple defense was developed and he refused to command or even suggest that his subjects don this protective armament which lead to even more catastrophe?

What if his leading alchemists told this leader that by simply hiding one’s mouth and nose, the wolf-like invisible creatures would not be as likely to attack humans and

What if everyone did that, the creatures would slink away and die of hunger and

What if the leader still would not raise a clarion call to all of his subjects to cover their noses and mouths with an easily available covering?

What if another leader arose to save the people of this fairy-tale nation by suggesting that that everyone wear this simple protection and donned the simple protective armor himself in order to slay the malicious creatures?

Who would you Vote for?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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