Saturday, July 4, 2020

Last night in one dark, nasty, violent call to arms at the foot of Mt Rushmore…

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

Last night, on Fox TV, I saw and heard the beginning of tyranny-in-the-making bellowed from the grounds dedicated to honoring the memory of 4 great American presidents. Contentious, dishonorable words of division and hatred were voiced by a very small man with a small mind and no sense of decency to an adoring crowd.

Last night in one dark, nasty, violent call to arms at the foot of Mt Rushmore, trump desecrated the physical representation and memory of presidents Washington, Lincoln, Jefferson and T Roosevelt. He didn’t stop there, of course. He defiled the Declaration of Independence and dishonored the sacred Sioux land where he stood, spewing his America First, Carnage in America hatred.

In his old, worn out speech calling for violence against protestors, he added a twist as he bragged about his new decree aimed at seeking to jail those who, in any way, damaged an historic monument and then read out loud a list of black Americans that he was purporting to honor, when in reality, these individuals would have opposed trump and his deeds with every creative and athletic skill at their disposal.

He preened, smiled condescendingly, even paternally, at his devoted, mask-less masses as he seemed to be a caricature of himself trying to channel Adolph Hitler.

Threats, Death, Hatred and Violence against the ‘others’ permeated his speech which he meant as a call to hatred and division in our country. He perfectly outlined his revised campaign themes for all to follow him into the abyss of us against ‘they’.  The ‘they’, he says,are those who seek to brainwash citizens into believing that ‘they’ are right and to end America.

 “Their goal is not a better America. Their goal is to end America,” he said of the “radical left” who he claimed is intent on “indoctrinating our children”.

As for the issue of 130,000+ Americans who have died of Covid 19, trump spoke not one word. Why would this little man commemorate and remember so many Americans who have died, in large part because of his incompetence and cold indifference when he can distract his uniformed base with such evil words as he spoke…

 “We will not be tyrannized, we will not be demeaned, we will not be intimidated by bad, evil people,” he said in his call for violence against largely peaceful demonstrators and others. 

And later, he said- “Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders,” he said. “They think the American people are weak, and soft, and submissive.”

I can only guess that he was referring to the traitorous Confederacy leaders such as Jefferson Davis, General Lee and other leaders who chose to lead the southern states in a rebellion against Lincoln and the Union in order to maintain their mastery over the black human being slaves whom they ‘owned’.

This little man chose to speak in this way on the eve of the birthday of our country. He chose to be divisive instead of inclusive. He chose to set ablaze vile deeds instead of dowsing the flames of bigotry and injustice and he did not attempt to lessen the suffering and death raging across our land because of the virus.

In trump’s projection of his real intentions, he injected what he called ‘Cancel Culture’, calling it the “very definition of totalitarianism… Angry mobs are trying to tear down statues of our founders,” he said. “They think the American people are weak, and soft, and submissive.”

I recently read Hitler’s 1929 Munich speech. I do not think that the similarity to trump’s Mt Rushmore speech is an innocent coincidence. Both speeches should be required reading in today’s America. 

Happy Fourth of July everyone.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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