Saturday, July 18, 2020

Prague, August 1969…Portland, July 2020… President trump’s America?

Prague, August 1969 

…“almost immediately, I was swept up with the students as we were forced down a side street by military-type troops dressed in combat outfits without any visible insignias or identification. At first we all were simply running away so as not to get caught; we knew we could out run the soldiers.

It was dark now and I had no idea were I was nor where we were going. We just wanted to get away from the soldiers as a group of about 50 of us headed down a dark street, all the while chanting Husak Hus, Husak Hus… I had no idea what the derisive chant meant although I recognized the word Husak.

I found myself with a few others on a small, dark cobbled street which was lit by a single street lamp. We all stopped to catch our breaths, both excited and scared at the same time. Suddenly, we heard the sound of a car’s squealing brakes and saw 4 beefy men; all dressed in black suits and black hats, get out of a big black Skoda and surround 3-4 young protestors. In the street lamp light, I could see the flashing of their brass knuckles as they struck 2 of the protestors, knocking them to the ground.

We all stood transfixed as we watched what was happening. The next thing we knew, the protestors were all hauled into the big, black, unmarked Skoda which sped off down the dark, cobblestone street. There had been no discussion between the black-clad thugs and their victims. The young men were rounded up, beaten and were taken away very efficiently; all within a minute or two. We all assumed they were government agents”.-Zeny C

Portland, July 2020

Protesters Mark Pettibone and Conner O'Shea told Oregon Public Broadcasting that they were stopped by an unmarked minivan Wednesday at around 2 a.m. local time.

“I see guys in camo”, O’Shea said. “Four or five of them pop out , open the door and it was like, ‘Oh sh*t’. I don’t know who you are or what you want with us.” (O’Shea was able to flee)

“I am basically tossed into the van,” Pettibone told the outlet. “And I had my beanie pulled over my face so I couldn’t see, and they held my hands over my head.”

Both men said they could not think of anything they did to warrant a response from law enforcement. Pettibone told OBP that he was not told why he had been arrested. He was released about 90 minutes after he refused to be interview without a lawyer.

“Usually, when we see people in unmarked cars forcibly grab someone off the street, we call it kidnapping. What is happening now in Portland should concern everyone in the U.S.” The ACLU said in a statement. “These actions are flat out unconstitutional and will not go unanswered.”    –From the Oregonian

Prague – an Authoritarian Dictatorship in 1969
Portland – Is this where President trump’s America is headed in 2020?

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But is Reporting it Today

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