Thursday, January 7, 2021


Yes, People, “This is America”

A WikiTorial

Yesterday Senator after Senator, Congressman after Congress Woman pompously and piously, one after another, got up and solemnly, earnestly stood in their chambers and said to all who listened…

“This is not America”

“This is not who we are”

I watched TV just minutes before their “This is not America” speeches as rioters; real, honest-to-god American terrorists, stormed the Capitol at the behest of their leader-The president of the United States of America.

I’m pretty sure he’s an American and judging by the various flags the rebels were carrying, the thuggish criminals attacking our Capitol building were, in actual fact, Americans. This IS America, people!

This IS who we are!

Those Insurrectionists weren’t Saudi or Nazi thugs from Germany nor Red Coats and Red Hat wearing soldiers led by a Cornwallis-like general.

People, they are us. They are Americans. This is who we are!

They are as American as the Americans who launched the mass killings in Las Vegas, Newtown, Orlando, Columbine and dozens of other venues. As American as Apple Pie.

And trump is as American as a Big Mac, an Egg McMuffin and a Quarter Pounder with Cheese.

He’s a racist, a liar, a cheater a grifter and all-around evil person who, yesterday, as in the past, was taking advantage of and using the under-educated, out-for-a-thrill, poor American slobs as a last gasp to save his waning grifter empire. That empire was and continues to be supported by the likes of All American boy, Senator Josh Hawley of Stanford and Yale Law and Senator Ted Cruz of Princeton and Harvard law… They’re from Missouri and Texas which are in America.

Giuliani, Pence, S Miller, Jared, Donnie, Ivanka, and the whole cabinet grifter crew…they are all Americans and are all complicit in the attempted coup d'état attempt yesterday.

They are us; they are a part of America; a selfish, cruel, racist, eleemosynary segment of the American population that has been with us since the slaughter of Native Americans, the America of slave holders and our America of Vietnam, Iraq and Wounded Knee.

How about we Americans start being honest with ourselves and admit who a large segment of Americans really are?  We’re not all high-minded American individuals aspiring to model our lives after Lincoln, MLK, Jr. and Eleanor Roosevelt.

I’m sick at heart from hearing public officials, mostly from the right braying “this is not America”, “this is not who we are”  while spending many of their waking hours enabling and encouraging the destruction of people, institutions and the laws of our country.

Yes, trump needs to be made accountable by impeachment or the 25th Amendment. But we can’t forget the millions of Americans who enabled those cruel, hateful and greedy office holders, media personalities and thought leaders who are destroying America.

WikiLeekZ is THE NEWZ Today










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