Wednesday, June 3, 2020

trumpcare Provided Cure from Corona Virus to Marchers

WikiLeekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ concedes that trump is well-known and appreciated for his, humanity, largess and his generosity. He demonstrated that trait yet again when he tear gassed, for free no less, the peaceful demonstrators in front of the White House recently.

trump heard someone say or maybe saw it on Fox ‘News’ that tear gas, in combination with UV light or hydroxychloroquine would cure the Corona Virus. So, before he took a stroll outside the White House, he had his troops provide a dose of tear gas to 1000’s of America’s finest citizens. He also, at considerable expense, made certain that the gas would be well-circulated so he had a helicopter fly low over the assembled crowd to disperse the chemical cure to everyone.

Trump was delighted with the results as He watched the marchers shed tears of joy in appreciation of His kindness. In an acknowledgement of His beneficial action, He solemnly made a pilgrimage to St John’s Church where He joyfully and triumphantly held the bible aloft to signify His Greatness.  

It was reported that His Disciples, who had accompanied Him to St John’s, were rapturous as they accompanied Der Leader back to the White House in a state of what only can be described as Pious Euphoria.

“trumpcare for all” accompanied by trumpets and led by Jared, was the glorious chant heard throughout the White House and Republican Senate chambers following His modern-day Miracle

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

Special note of appreciation to Cindy

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