Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Trump Names Boy Wonder to Transform America

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

WikileekZ in an exclusive interview with President Trump…

President Trump has handpicked 36 year old Jared Kushner to Make America Great Again. Trump has reasoned, with some accuracy, that since he himself knows so little about stuff and has no desire to learn about stuff in regard to governing, and since he has to spend so much time on his golf courses, that his son-in-law could handle most of America’s problems.

WikiLeekZ, in an interview with Trump, disclosed that it doesn’t seem to matter that the young-ish Kushner has little or absolutely no experience in any of his portfolio tasks…”What’s the big deal, Trump wonders? I didn’t have any experience and look where it’s gotten me…cased closed”. 

Trump further explained to WikiLeekZ…“All of the other so-called politicians are disasters and losers”.

So far, Trump has assigned these jobs to Kushner:

American Innovation... to Overhaul and Reshape the Federal Bureaucracy
Presidential Senior Advisor
Take care of Veterans affairs, Workforce development and Opioid addiction
Be the Primary point of contact for 24+ countries
Middle East Peace Broker…”if Jared can’t do it, no one can” states Trump
Make the White House more tech savvy with innovative technology.

WikiLeekZ asks, “Why Not”? Thomas Edison,  Alexander Graham Bell,  George Westinghouse, Aristotle, Issac Newton and  Galileo all accomplished enormously creative stuff as teenagers and Kushner is much older.

America is in great hands with a 36 year old neophyte with little or no background or experience in tech, diplomacy, health care, international affairs, politics, American history or the Federal government.

Then again, as WikiLeekZ notes, that's true of almost all of Trump’s appointments. What an innovative and interesting concept!

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday


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