Saturday, May 13, 2017

Who Knew?

WikiLeekZ is trying to figure out why everyone seems to be taken by surprise by the latest Trump Tweets and interviews. 

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ asks, what's different or worse or more surprising about the latest missives fired from the Tweeter-in-Chief than we’ve all seen throughout the campaign and presidency?

In fact, WikiLeekZ has it on impeccable, inside authority that even the Tweeter-in-Chief is confounded, confused and shuffles around the corridors of power muttering...

"Who knew? I'm essentially (new word I learned today) doing what I've always done. I've always been a narcissistic, crude, belligerent bully; and I take every advantage possible to make money and enrich myself and the family. What's the big deal? I've always been this way and was elected President? Who knew being president would be this complicated"?

WikiLeekZ completely understands the position of the President and assumes that if people keep bothering the Tweeter-in-Chief, at some point he may simply threaten to resign so that he can go back to his former life of lying, cheating and saying stupid things out of the hot glare of a nation that, for the most part, expects at least a minimum of sobriety and probity in their President.

A close friend of the president, when asked by WikiLeekZ if Trump may, in fact resign, scoffed at the notion and said that he is still 11 billion dollars away from his 4 year goal.

WikiLeekZ is contemplating a ‘Go Fund Me’ program to raise 11 billion dollars.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the NEWZ, But May Be Someday

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