Tuesday, May 9, 2017

WikiLeekZ uncovers plot by TROIKA to fire FBI Director James Comey

WikileekZ is Our Name…Satire is Our Game

WikiLeekZ has discovered that not-so-secret admirers, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump have conspired to bamboozled Hillary Clinton to join their effort to fire Comey. Clinton was assured that Comey would not be subject to another 'SATURDAY NIGHT MASSACRE'. In a clever move, the 2 Best Friends, instead, pulled off the 'TUESDAY NIGHT MASSACRE'.

WikiLeekZ also has learned that Putin and Trump made the final decisions in the much-publicized phone call between WDC and Moscow last week. Best buddies Putin and Trump thought that including Clinton in the plot would give them cover in this Nixonian/Soviet style plot.

A White House insider has told WikiLeekZ that Trump, who has not been seen publicly for the past five days, has been studying American legal history. He was especially interested in Nixon and the Saturday Night Massacre.

Trump has suggested to Putin that Robert Bork be chosen as the new FBI Director. Perhaps Trump was not aware that Bork died in 2012?  Putin suggested that the best solution would be that Trump simply do away with the FBI altogether. Trump is known to be seriously considering this course of action.

In Trump's way of thinking, the TROIKA got what it wanted; Clinton's nemesis is gone, the FBI's investigation into Trump/Russia is quashed and Putin can put this achievement into his 'completed' file.

Getting Trump to fire Preet Bharara, Sally Yates and now Comey gives Putin a 3 for 3 and the American legal system an 0 for 3.

WikiLeekZ is now suggesting that the public keep a watch on the remaining FBI's leading department heads as well as the top CIA leaders. Trump is thought to have rejected Putin's 'Tea and Polonium' Solution.

WikiLeekZ is NOT the Newz, But May Be Someday


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