Thursday, January 19, 2017

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Satire Is Our Game, WikiLeekZ Is Our Name”

January 18, 2019

Purloined copy of Trump’s Inauguration Speech (rough working draft):

WikiLeekZ has surreptitiously obtained a copy of the major points of the first working draft of Trump’s upcoming Inaugural Speech. Again, our ‘reporter’ in the guise of a cleaning person in Trump Tower found this carbon copy in the waste basket after office hours.
In reviewing the draft, it occurred to WikiLeekZ that Trump and Melania’s speech writer, Meredith McIver, have lifted famous, well-known passages from inaugural speeches of a number of past presidents as a basis of his speech. Original presidential passages are in Italics. Trump’s plagiarized versions follow.

"This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."     – Franklin D. Roosevelt, March 4, 1933.
"This great nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper and I’ll Make America Great Again. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only things I have to fear are: Alec Baldwin; Meryl Streep; the CIA, NSA & FBI; satirical writings, Bruce Springsteen, CNN & MSNBC, outtakes of the Apprentice, recordings from the Moscow Ritz Carlton and Rosie O’Donnell. Losers All. Overrated and in the cases of the TV stations, very low in ratings. Sad. So Sad.
"With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds."                      – Abraham Lincoln, March 4, 1865.
“With malice toward those who opposed me, with harsh immigration vetting for all Muslims and 
Mexicans, vacillating between evil and bad, as God has given me the droit des rois, let us strive on
 to finish off my enemies and to wound our opponents”
                                                                          ****                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ****
"My fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man." John F Kennedy
My subject angry white, out of work voters: Ask not what I can do for you-ask what you can do for me. My fellow nationalist citizens of Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland and others: Ask not what I can do for you, but what, together, you can do for Ivanka, Barron, Eric and Don Jr.”
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”                                        – Ronald Reagan, Jan. 20, 1981.
"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; I am the Final solution”.


“There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America."– Bill Clinton, Jan. 20, 1993.
 “There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by that which only I can fix when I get into power in America."

 “But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1801

“But every difference of opinion is certainly a difference in understanding of my unique principles. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle. We are all citizens some are Trumpians the rest are the Others, and surely, we are not all equal citizens

 “Justice requires us to remember that when any citizen denies his fellow, saying, ‘His color is not mine,’ or ‘His beliefs are strange and different,’ in that moment he betrays America, though his forebears created this nation.” LYNDON B. JOHNSON, 1965
I, Donald J Trump, henceforth require all to remember that when any citizen denies his fellow, saying, ‘His color is not mine,’ or ‘His beliefs are strange and different,’ in that moment he proclaims his true love of America, because everyone knows that his white male forebears created this nation.”
 “So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world.”. GEORGE W. BUSH, 2005
“So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of nationalistic, atavistic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending freedom and democracy in our world”.

“Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely passed. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin again the work of remaking America.” BARACK OBAMA, 2009

 “Our time of standing pat, of protecting narrow interests and putting off unpleasant decisions — that time has surely just begun. You won’t believe what I have in store for you. Starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and begin the work of remaking America in the image of Trump, Breitbart, WorldNetDaily, V Putin, Nigel LaFarge and Marie Le Pen.”      
“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over”. Gerald Ford 1974, on succeeding the disgraced Richard Nixon

“My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is just beginning. You ain’t seen nothing yet”.

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