Monday, February 20, 2017

A WikiLeekZ Editorial: Which Timothy Leary?

February 11, 2017

WikiLeekZ is Our Name...Satire is Our Game

“Turn On, Tune in Drop Out” or “Question Authority”, which slogan by Timothy Leary will we follow in these times?

We, along with our nation, has lived through 3 weeks of the Trump presidency. Doesn’t it seem as if it’s been more like 6 months or 6 years…perhaps the worse 6 months/years of your civic life? Every day, sometimes multiple times a day, the President tweets or says something that is patently false.  Perhaps he has said this exact same thing a number of times; and this statement has been made to be shown wrong or inaccurate by multiple credible sources.  

And, he keeps saying the same thing over and over again. Can you remember one time that a lie by Trump has ever been walked back by him? Has he ever once apologized for lying or misleading, often about important tenets of our democracy?

This leads me to his continuing statements about the dishonest election reporting and how pervasive voter fraud in the 2016 election caused him to lose the popular vote and recently, he has specifically named the state of New Hampshire as having had busloads of 1000’s of people coming in  from Massachusetts to vote Democratic. This is a serious accusation and should be addressed to its correct conclusion.

Trump has said that he would have a massive investigation into national voter fraud causing him to lose the popular vote by millions of votes. Okay, where is the commission? Whom has he delegated to discover the huge fraud? When will the results be known?

We know, don’t we, that this will be another blustering, loud-mouthed bunch of crap just like when with great fanfare, he told the nation that Melania Trump would have a press conference in 2 weeks to tell the world the truth about her early work experience in the US. That was during the campaign and we’re still waiting. Not that we really care about that part of her life…it’s just emblematic of what he says and does. Constantly.

On July 30, 2016, I wrote my Cri de Coeur and addressed this problem more than 5 months ago…
“One of the most difficult things for me to understand was his ability to consistently lie about almost everything and not even seem to care. When he would be questioned about a false statement he made, he’d double and triple down on it and shout louder while belittling the questioner. He said so many false things, made so many false statements that for the average citizen, it was impossible to have a normal life and still find the time it takes to fact-check his statements. It was an unending, cascading waterfall of braggadocio, lies and bullying”.

Nothing has changed except that now he’s President and his words really, really matter… economically, environmentally, health-wise, militarily, internationally and many more ‘ally’s’. What to do?

I recently wrote to a friend, a retired Political Science professor, and said that we are all living in a political science class; PoliSci 2017. We had all better study, question, argue, write, talk, shout, gather, demonstrate and vote. To preserve our democracy, we all have to pass this test on our living and still vital democracy. For, I fear that if we simply “turn on, tune in, drop out”, our 230+ year experiment on this continent may be in peril. 

There was another slogan in the 60’s that is more appropriate now…”Question Authority”! Timothy Leary, where are you now?

                                          Prague, Wensecslas Square, August 1969      Zeny 

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